Chicken wings

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After Waters thanked us and exited our studio, we don't know what to do. We're all so proud of ourselves that we can't manage to concentrate anymore. So we are just sitting in the studio waiting for someone to talk. I am fiddling with my bass strap, running with my fingers across the autographs on it. Brian is spreading some cleaning product on his Red Special. Freddie's half asleep on a couch behind the glass of the recording studio and Roger is fully sleeping on the floor, next to his pots and pans. I get up from the stool I'm sitting on, put my instrument back down and direct my steps towards the sleeping beauty on the floor. I silently put my knees to the ground and lean my head over Roger. The slow breath coming out of his mouth caresses my face, Roger smells like tobacco and hair conditioner. My head is perpendicular to his, the tip of my nose brushes his cheek as I slowly close the gap between my lips and his. As I touch his fire lips with my glacial ones, his eyes widen suddenly but I place my fingertips on his eyelids and close them.

I feel Brian watching us and I hear him sigh, annoyed from our "lovey dovey" scene. Roger, with now his eyes closed, remains stranded on the cold floor, he wraps an arm around me and pushes me against him. Neither of us tries to heat up the kiss, we just stay on the ground, with our lips firmly pressed together. I turn my head so my forehead touches his. Roger's calloused palms touch my cheeks as his softer fingertips start roaming my eye temples. I finally lift my now reddened lips from his, requiring some air. I look Roger right into his piercing blue eyes and I am surprised by not seeing any lust in his irises, but only a love scent, a form of innocent adoration spreading from those adorable baby-blue pearls. My face catches fire seeing the fabulous expression on my love's face. Almost embarrassed by the situation, I lift up from the floor, almost stumbling over the pans on it. I reach out my hand to help Roger stand up and he catches it. When he is fully up, he grabs me and hugs me tightly and I immediately exchange the embrace wrapping my arms around shoulders, as if we are just friends.

"Hey, can you two finish please?", Brian complains jokingly.

"I heard your half-moans even as a half-asleep man!", I also hear Freddie.

"Oh, did you?", I say looking at Fred splashed on the couch. I start rubbing under my eye with my middle finger well showed.

"Hey, have some manners!", cries Freddie, covering his eyes with his tanned hands, faking indignation.

"C'mon, we're not productive! Let's get to work!", proposes Bri.

A chorus of three "Nah" makes him immediately resign.

"I'm hungry", I say, subtly sliding the idea of lunch in their subconscious.

"Same", Freddie says, lifting his butt from the leather couch and stretching his back, "What about some sushi?"

"Meh...", Roger mutters, "Some peanut butter toasts? I've seen some free ones on the receptionist counter"

"I'm allergic to peanuts", I add.

"Oh fuck it! What do we EAT?", Roger says exasperated.

An idea pops in my head.

"A bucket of chicken wings, HOMEMADE chicken wings and a good movie?", I suggest.

Brian suddenly turns his head towards me and makes me think of his hair as a big cloud changing direction thanks to the wind.

"I'm going to the supermarket! And someone is coming with me!", he screams, without letting anyone even whisper an opinion.

"I want to choose the movie! Y/N, you come with me?", Roger proposes exclaiming.

"Sorry Rog but I'll go with Brian, I have to control that he doesn't buy anything with peanuts. My allergy is soft but I don't want to become plump and red for the next 2 hours...", I decline his request making a sad face so he doesn't take it too personally.

"Don't be sad blondass, I'm accompanying you to the renter!", Freddie taps Roger on the shoulder.

"Blondass? This is a new term!", Brian lifts his brow up.

After Brian bursts laughing to his own sentence and we all watch him a bit awkwardly, trying not to laugh ourselves.

Here we are, me and Bri entering a random supermarket. Brian runs through the lanes of refrigerators to find some frozen chicken as I search for some flour to and frying oil without peanuts. We meet after 10 minutes in front of the cashier, who's watching my poodled friend with at least 4 packs of chicken wings in his arms as I join him with some flour on my face that makes me resemble to a pancake.

"17 € and 45 cents", the cashier says with a depressed face.

"Here! And keep the change!", Brian hands him a banknote of 20 euros.The cashier face lights up.

"Have a good day!", the newly happy man waves us goodbye.

As we're walking back home (only 3 kilometres) Brian asks me a strange question:

"Uh-uhm Y/N, a-are you planning to go to the record we saw the o-other day? Where there was that blonde girl...", he asks stuttering as a kid with a crush on a little girl in his kindergarten.

"Yes Bri and yes, I'm going to talk about you to her. You want a date?", I simply ask as I see his skin turn into a tomato red color.

"Eh... Y-yeah, it would be great, thanks-s!", he responds to me in a way it seems he is answering himself, nodding to himself lifting his head up and down.


I see the plastic bag in my head break and the flour explode on my and Brian's clothes.

"We're BIG PANCAKES!", I say in this moment of craziness.

"YEAH!", Brian answers, as crazy as me.

We start dancing on the road to my bass and Bri's guitar, unplugged and all flour dusty.





"TUTTI FRUT... Hey Jim!", I stop singing as I spot my friend in the small crowd of three or four people hesitating to call the police and psychiatric center.

"Do you realise what you are doing?", he whispers under his breath.

"Yeah... No", Brian says, regretting this scene.

"Hey but it was funny!", Jim adds finally. Brian is newly smiling.

Jim helps me and Bri to pick all of our shopping bags, our instruments and escorts us back home. Bri and him catch on pretty well, they're both intelligent and lucid, they have some interests in common. Walking just next to Brian, I think of how lucky I am to have friends crazy like me, supportive, talented and intelligent... Who should I thank for the grace that fell upon me? Probably my parents who chased me!


This chapter is pretty cool, I will not lie... I love not to make a romantic story only love, but also friendships, joy, eating and maybe even some drama (that ends well though)! All of you who are reading my story, I will never thank y'all enough!

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