The cinema cancels, so B&B

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"Here are the Skittles!", says Roger throwing them through the open car window.

"And here the crisps", I say, still red from the situation of 5 minutes ago, passing the plastic bags to Freddie and all the guys behind.

"You took some time to buy some potatoes and chocolates...", Fred gives us a dirty side look, opening a bag of "potatoes".

"There was a little queue", I answer, sweating from the hotness outside and from the sudden wave of stress.

"Sorry I'm intervening, but we're alone in all the gas station", Bri adds.

"Oh, just fuck you!", says Roger, "Oh fuck!", a Skittle drops from his mouth.

"NOO, you wasted a black one! You motherfuck... Sorry, I'm overly protective about Skittles", screams Mary, watching the lonely confetti on the floor.

"Anyway, let's get going or we'll never arrive there", Jim shuts everybody up.

Roger and I climb back in the car silently. After 5 minutes, I feel tap on my shoulder. Fred whispers an inaudible sound.

"What? Fred speak up!"


"I still can't hear!"

"OH GOD. You two had fun before? You can hear me now?!"

"Maybe and yes"

"Ok thanks"

I turn back around to face the running road. The white lines are sprinting in front of me, as if they were having a race. But Rog beats them all. It's 1pm but I feel tired as shit so I fall asleep. After 45 minutes or something, I'm waken up by Roger screaming.

"What do you mean it's cancelled! We came here from KENSIGTON to see your bloody movie and now you're telling me that the machine isn't working! You gotta be fucking kidding me!", Roger throws his hands in the air. Brian brings him back down and manages to calm him down.

"So, if I understood, we're stuck in the middle of NOWHERE and we don't even have any food"

"I saw a stop station a few kilometres ago. It was written "Best ham sandwiches of England" on it.", Freddie tries ameliorate the situation.

"Freddie, we're not going to eat your bloody ham sandwiches on the road!", I say, coming out of the car, still sleepy.

"Plus, I don't have anymore petrol in my trunk!", Roger says, pessimistic.

"AND, now the highway will be overused by everyone who's coming back from work. We're stuck here...", Jim adds, keeping all of his senses calm and functioning.

"We can just find a motel or something!", suggests Mary.

"Not a bad idea love!", Freddie exclaims, turning to the Biba cashier.

We all climb back in Roger's car who, huffing, motions the car up and drives for 5 minutes until we find a B&B. It's all green with edera growing on it. Roger parks the car and I enter first to ask for some rooms.

"We've only got two rooms left", says the receptionist, visibly bored by the long and draining hot days.

"But we're six!", I complain, without reason. I mean, she can't do anything, "It'll be just one night!"

"Still, there only are two rooms, each one with a queen-sized bed and a big sofa, on which it's easy to sleep"

"I suggest me and Mary take a room plus Jim"

"Hey, why not me?", Roger turns to me.

"Or me?", Fred joins him.

"Because you two are children. It's ok, I'll sacrifice myself, I'll be with them in a 5 square meters room. If I'm dead tomorrow, or those two killed me, or I committed suicide because of them, just so you know", Brian explains to those cry babies.

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