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A/N: hey you guys! So sorry for the wait, I had a bunch of things to do, especially concerning this book, but here you go! I hope you enjoy this chapter and its massive cliffhanger (come on, it has been a while since my last one). Anyways, as always votes and comments are more than welcome :) Enjoy this one, guys. 
Much love, 

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I pushed the big metal door of the loft open and entered without announcing myself. I had a hard time losing this habit of mine – coming into the loft like I owned the place. I didn't own it anymore. Neverland was my home, but this place would always hold a special place in my heart.

"Isn't that Mrs. Jackson," Alice said with a smile, as she walked closer to me. She had a baby bottle in her hands and a dirty bib on her shoulder. "Hey, girly."

"Hey, Meyers," I greeted my best friend as I pulled her into a short hug. "What are you up to?"

"I just put Bree down for the night. She's been fussy all day. She's teething," she explained, as she put the bottle and bib down. "How did the interview go? You stayed a while over there."

"Nah I stopped to get something for Michael on my way here," I told her, as I sat down on a stool by the bar. When my eyes met my best friend's, she had a smirk on her face, which caused me to roll my eyes. "No, I didn't get lingerie or whatever kinky stuff you have in mind."

"Bummer," she mumbled, visibly disappointed. "What is it then?"

"Just some book," I shrugged, waving a dismissive hand. "Where's Carl, by the way?" I asked, taking my jacket off.

"He should be back shortly. He went to get diapers," she explained, and I smiled to myself. "What's with you?" she asked, once she noticed the smile on my face.

"I just feel like Carl's never going to go back to work," I chuckled, shaking my head. "The guy was made to be a dad."

"I know, right?" my best friend giggled as well, as she took a bottle of wine out of the cabinet. "Wine?"

"Ugh, just one glass. I get my hormone shot tonight."

"How's the side effects treating you these days? I noticed a drastic drop in mood swings when we were in Paris," she pointed out with a chuckle, pouring us two glasses of white wine.

"Michael would beg to differ," I snorted, shaking my head. "He should win an award for his patience. I literally go from wanting to rip his head off for breathing too loud to wanting to jump his bones the next minute."

"I'm sure he's totally fine with the latter, though," she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, and I rolled my eyes again with a smile. 

Alice went on

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Alice went on. "Carl's been patient with me throughout my pregnancy. I was always trying to start a fight with him."

"Aren't you naturally this annoying, though?" I snickered.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 18, 2023 ⏰

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Motion (Sequel to "Collide")Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant