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I looked at the passing landscape through the window of the limo, frowning a bit as I didn't recognize the way back to the loft

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I looked at the passing landscape through the window of the limo, frowning a bit as I didn't recognize the way back to the loft. I didn't question it, though, thinking it was another diversion to keep the paparazzi from following us there.

I felt a delicate kiss being laid on my knuckles and took a look at my fiancé beside me. He was still in his stage costume, which I didn't complain about. He look amazing with his golden outfit, there was no denying it. Michael could pulled off anything, anyway.

"You're awfully quiet. Is there something on your mind?" Michael wondered, thick worry in his voice.

"I was just thinking about how surreal this night was," I admitted, snuggling close to him, hugging his arm. I put my head on his shoulder as he delicately put his hand on my bare knee. "And how proud I am of my man."

"I can't get enough of you saying this," he chuckled, putting his head on mine. "I'm glad you enjoyed that first night out in the public eye. What did you like the most?"

"Apart from your performance, you mean?" I asked, playing with his fingers that I intertwined with mine. "I loved seeing you interact with your fans, how they went crazy when they saw you or heard your name. You never missed a chance to tell them you loved them, and I think it's beautiful," I smiled at the memory. "And, well, I'd say the few words you said about me in your speech, but that would be narcissistic."

"It's not narcissistic at all," he chuckled, as I removed my head from his shoulder. "I really hoped you wouldn't find this... too much. I was secretly frightened that it would scare you off."

"Scare me off?" I asked, turning my body so that I was facing him. "Babe, come on. It takes more than a beautiful, heartfelt gesture to scare me off," I chuckled, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles. "Your speech was perfect, from beginning to end. You were perfect out there."

"I'm glad to hear that," he smiled shyly, looking down at our hands for a second. "Hey, what were you and Bill talking about, by the way? From where I was standing it looked like he was annoying you again."

"You know how we are, we're always annoying one another," I giggled, shaking my head a little. "But he was debating whether we were scary or cute."

"W-what?" he laughed out loud, a look of confusion on his face. "Why would he even debate on that?"

"Because apparently you're rubbing off on me and now we're basically the cheesiest couple he's ever known," I shrugged slightly, laughing along with Michael. "But he came to the conclusion that we were cute, so everything's fine."

"Of course we are," he bragged, wiggling his eyebrows. "But being cheesy is not all I am."

"Oh, I know," I smirked, tracing my finger on the cleft in his chin. "But tell me, what else are you?" I wondered, inching my face closer to his.

Motion (Sequel to "Collide")Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant