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It was already nighttime when Carl stopped the ignition of his car as he parked in front of the loft

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It was already nighttime when Carl stopped the ignition of his car as he parked in front of the loft. A feeling of happiness soon invaded me when I realized I would finally be able to take the control of my life back. But I couldn't help but feel nervous as well. Everything seemed different to me, for some reason. Grams, Hayden, Carl, Alice... Everybody seemed different, like this experience changed them as well. I couldn't help but think about Michael, and wondered if he would have changed too.

Little by little, some forgotten memories from my visions resurfaced in my mind: some good, some bad. I kept them in a corner of my head, not to be disturbed from this moment that I waited for months: being reunited with my family, in my home.

"Let me carry you upstairs," Carl offered gently, as he opened the passenger door for me.

"I can try to—"

"You're not trying anything, Hayley," Grams refused, as she took Faraji in her arms. "Let him help you."

I shook my head slightly, and let Carl carry me in his arms bridal style. Alice, Grams and Faraji followed close behind us, as I looked around me to see if Hayden was around. As I was too weak to even move by myself, my brother refused that I'd go the Super Bowl in Pasadena to see Michael. As time went by, I was afraid that he didn't have the opportunity to see him after his performance, and that I would have to wait some more time to be reunited with him.

"They're going to come," Carl reassured me, as if he read my mind. "They'll be there in a heartbeat."

"Yeah," I smiled faintly, as I tightened my grip around Carl's neck.

We finally reached the loft's front door, and when we came in, the familiar cinnamon scent invaded my nose. Automatically, I felt at ease. I looked around, and nothing had changed since the last time I was there, except from Faraji's toys that were scattered all across the floor and the multiple shopping bags in the entrance.

"We were just coming home from the shop when we had the hospital's call," Alice explained, and I just nodded, as Carl delicately put me on the couch.

"I can see that," I said, as I looked around. I sighed heavily, taking the familiar feeling in. "I've missed this place," I sincerely confessed, as Faraji ran to me, holding the stuffed tiger I bought him a while ago. He jumped on the couch next to me, and put his head against my arm. "And I've missed you. So much."

"I missed you too, Mama," he answered, sucking on his thumb. I put my arm around him, and held him close to me, as tears gathered in my eyes.

I couldn't put words on what I was feeling at that precise moment. For seven months, the only thought I had on my mind was coming back home and be reunited with my family. Now this moment was here, this feeling of relief and happiness was all I could think about. All the negativity and apprehension I had in my head disappeared as I held the little one close to me.

Motion (Sequel to "Collide")Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant