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The noises

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The noises. The smells. The floating sensation.

I knew it was happening.

Everything stood still for a second. My surroundings were frozen, which gave
me time to adjust to the fact that I was in the middle of yet another vision, and that soon enough, I'll have to analyze my surroundings carefully.

I had no clue where I was. I was in a city, a big one, probably New York City. Everybody seemed extremely busy around me, and I was just standing there without knowing where I should go, or what I was supposed to see.

I walked slowly, eyeing every little detail around me: a mother helping out her daughter lacing her shoes, the police's sirens going off in the distance, a ballet of cars waiting for the red light to turn green, a man getting out of a cab while readjusting his tie–

"John," I whispered under my breath when I recognized him, already jogging in his direction.

This was who I was supposed to see.

John was wearing a suit, thing he rarely ever wore, which means that whatever he was doing here, may be important.

I followed him into the crowded lobby of the building where men and women in suits seemed to all be in a rush. I lost John from my sight for a handful of seconds because of the sea of people I was standing among, but quickly I located him again. He was greeting a woman, a petite brunette, with a formal handshake. In opposition with the people I came across, she was wearing a casual outfit: some jeans with a pair of boots and a long trench coat.

The woman was inviting John to take a seat when I got close enough to hear what they were saying. She seemed softspoken, but there was something in her eyes I couldn't quite decipher. Was it eagerness? Or something else?

"Thank you for meeting with me, Mr. Morrison. I'm glad we get to work together. I read your letter, and got intrigued right away," the brunette told him, as she got her clipboard and pen out.

"Please, call me John. I'm glad you called. I'm quite honored someone from such a famous paper as Globe showed interested in what I have to say. God knows I have a lot to tell."

"You bastard," I hissed, understanding what was going on.

"Let's go back to your background story with Hayley Jackson, would you?" she asked him, crossing her legs. She didn't want to waste a second. "You were engaged, right?"

"We were," he verified, nodding his head. "I used to think that we were happy, but looking back at the time we spent together, we weren't."

I scoffed, shaking my head. I never thought I'd agree with anything this man said.

"And how would you explain that?"

"Things have always been complicated with Hayley. Partly because her past was heavy and always getting in the way of our relationship."

Motion (Sequel to "Collide")Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant