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A/N: alright you guys, here's yet another chapter! I hope I'll be able to update as frequently as this past few days in the near future. In the meantime, enjoy this one!

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I patiently waited for Alice's ob/gyn to be finished with her examination, as I closely listened to everything she was saying. A part of me was scared that I might have done a mistake while closing up, but I was quickly reassured when the doctor said that the delivery had been neatly executed. Even though the baby's first minute into this world were complicated because of the cord choking her, all those troubles seemed far away already. She was a twenty inches, 7,5 pounds beautiful, healthy, baby.

When Carl got here, his arms full of different baby essentials, his eyes instantly filled with tears at the sight of his daughter. Seeing the three of them that happy got me emotional, as they deserved every ounce of happiness coming their way.

"You might want to stay here for a few days now, Mrs. Meyers. You need to rest and heal, so you'll have to wait a little until you can take your little bundle of joy home," she instructed, looking over at the sleeping baby who was in Carl's arms.

"O—Okay but w—we don't want to impose—"

"Come on, that's totally fine, you can stay as long as you want," I chimed in, giving my best friend a wide smile. "The whole guesthouse is yours for as long as you want."

"That's great!" Alice's doctor clapped her hands happily. "Well then, I think my job here is done. Call me if you have any questions, alright? Although I'm not worried. A nurse, a pediatric surgeon and a pediatrician... This baby couldn't grow up in a safer environment," she chuckled, as she was putting her stuff away.

"Thank you for coming all the way here, doc," Alice thanked her in an exhausted voice.

"It was my pleasure. It's kind of unrealistic to be here, at Michael Jackson's house, to be honest," she said, turning to me. "My niece is a huge fan of your fiancé, Dr. Thames. She's not going to believe I was actually here," she laughed, shaking her head.

"Well, I don't know where Michael is now, but I'll make sure to ask him to send you an autograph for her. What's her name?"

"O—Oh really? Wow, she's going to be thrilled. H—Her name is Madison. Thank you so much, this means a lot," she told me reaching for something in her bag. "Here's my card. There's the address of my practice on it."

"Great," I smiled kindly, putting the card in my back pocket. "I'll walk you outside."

Outside the guest house, Matt was patiently waiting by the golf cart to take Dr. Watson back to her car. I didn't miss a chance to thank her once again for coming all the way to Los Olivos while her practice was in Los Angeles. I was aware that being at Neverland worked in our favor: everybody would love to catch a glimpse of the famous Ranch and its owner.

As I was about to go back inside, my son came running in my direction with his nanny by his side. Even though I was exhausted at that point, his joyful mood never failed to make me smile. Faraji was such a happy kid. No matter how much hardships he had been through in his short life, he never allowed himself to give up and to let sadness take over him. He was my breath of fresh air, my ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.

"Can I see the baby now, mama?" he excitedly said as he hugged my legs tightly.

"Yes baby, you can," I smiled, taking his hand in mine. "Thank you for keeping an eye on him, Mary. Have you seen Michael?"

Motion (Sequel to "Collide")Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant