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A/N: hey there! Sorry for the wait, I had this chapter ready for a few days, I just didn't find the time to publish it on here :( this thirty votes thingy is working for me, it helps my lazy self to get to work, yay! Hope you'll enjoy this one! 

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"Haze, are you sure you wanna do this tonight?" I asked him again, walking closer to him

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"Haze, are you sure you wanna do this tonight?" I asked him again, walking closer to him. "It can wait tomorrow, it's ten in the evening already and you've had a big day today."

"I'm sure. I've been thinking about it all day, and I need these thoughts to stop before they drive me insane," he told me, his eyes glued to the floor. "I'm sorry I'm ruining your evening, b—but I would really appreciate it if you tagged along."

"I'll come with you. I promised I would. I'll be out in a sec," I assured him, and he simply nodded before he left the room. "Looks like you'll have to wait a bit more before you can have me all to yourself, Mr. Jackson," I told my husband as I turned around to look at him.

"You're already all mine," he smiled sweetly, before he pulled me against him. "Are you gonna be okay out there?"

"I will, but I hope Hayden will as well," I sighed, as I put my head against his chest as I hugged him tightly. "You should head to bed, you have a flight early in the morning tomorrow."

"Are you sure you don't wanna come with me to Atlanta?" he asked, as I broke our embrace.

It had been planned for a couple of weeks that Michael was supposed to meet with ex-President Jimmy Carter. He showed a lot of interest concerning the Heal The World Foundation, and Michael was honored when he asked him to work alongside with him on one of his projects, Heal Our Children, in Atlanta. The both of them wanted to raise awareness on the use of drugs, but also to immunize children against preventable childhood disease. This project was really important to him.

"I'm positive. I don't want to leave Faraji here while we just got back from Barbados. Taking him with us would be taking the risk to expose him to the press, and I'm not ready for that to happen yet," I explained, and Michael nodded in understanding. "But you'll only be gone for a couple of days, right?"

"If everything goes as planned, yes. I'll be back in a heartbeat," he promised, resting his forehead on mine. "Now go, don't make Haze wait any longer. He's probably nervous as hell."

"He sure is. Don't stay up too late," I told my husband as I brought my lips to his. "And wake me up before you leave tomorrow."

"I will," he smiled and laid yet another gentle kiss on my lips. "I love you."

"I love you more, Maestro," I answered, heading to the library's door.

When I finally got out, Hayden was waiting for me outside, tapping his foot nervously on the floor. We both walked through the hallways of Neverland to join LaToya at the back of the house, on the terrace outside. My brother was awfully quiet, and I could sense he was a nervous wreck. Seeing him this tensed made me think about the night I told Michael my secret. There was nothing that could be said or done that would make me relax, and I knew it was the same thing for him. For the second time in his life, Hayden had to come clean about his ability to a woman he loved.

Motion (Sequel to "Collide")Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant