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A/N: hey guys, I'm finally back! I've read all of your comments/DMs and they truly made me feel better. I'm sorry for the long delay. I've had a lot of things to deal with lately, but I hope you'll love this chapter; quite a lot is going on here! Also, I wanted to let you know that I'm trying my best to find matching gifs in each chapter, but sometimes the era doesn't match and I'm aware of it. It's the best I can do, though, I wish we had more footage of Michael... Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this one! Feels good to be back.

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February 24th, 1993

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February 24th, 1993

Dear Diary,

As time goes by, I realize that spending time at Neverland was really what I needed for my mental health's sake. For the past week, I made enormous progress, and managed to finally begin to walk again with my clutches. Paul has been wonderful to me, and being at the Ranch definitely gave me the strength I lacked back to when I was at the loft.

It was funny how starstruck Paul was when he first came to Neverland and met Michael. Little by little, we were exposing our relationship to the public. We were doing this progressively, and this is exactly what I needed. With the wedding's preparations, everything was getting more serious and I loved every second of it. I was glad I had this to focus on, otherwise I would probably spend my time worrying about Hayden.

It's been a week since he left for Tibet, and I didn't hear a single word from him. I didn't know if he managed to find the same monk he had met the first time he went there, or if he found anything at all. I still can't believe he went back there for me, to be honest. I never expected to have a brother this caring and protective over me. Well, I never expected to have a brother at all, actually. For the longest time, I blamed my father for his behavior, but if I am being selfish and honest with myself, his infidelity brought me the thing I've dreamed for all my life. I just wished he would have come clean about it, and that he would have told me sooner I had a brother out there, because he is one of the best things that's ever happened to me.

The happy whistles coming from the bathroom tore me away from my thoughts, as a smile automatically appeared on my face. I took my crutches that were right next to me, and stood up to meet Michael in the bathroom. Of course, it took me ages to get there, as my steps were still unsure, and very slow. But Dr. Fernandez encouraged me to walk at least three hours a day, and this is what I intended to do.

When I came in, Michael's bare back was facing me, as he was shaving and looking at his reflection in the mirror very closely. He had just a white towel around his waist, and his body was still a bit wet from the shower he had just taken. I put my crutches aside, and wrapped my arms around his waist, as I looked at him through the mirror in front of us.

Motion (Sequel to "Collide")Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant