namek saga (ch-11)

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(cuts to Goki, now in Captain Ginyu's body)

GOKI: (in Ginyu's body) What happened? I'm all purple...and horny! Chi-Chi's gonna hate this...

GINYU: (in Goki's body) What's mine is yours, and yours is mine, as they say.

GOKI: G-Gimme back my body!

GINYU: I'm sorry, you can't have your body anymore. It's mine, now. Jeice, shall we?

JEICE: Right, cap'n.

(Ginyu and Jeice fly off)

GINYU: Goodbye! Enjoy bleeding to death.

GOKI:: I won't...! Man... I'm a jerk now...


(cuts to Krillin and Gohan flying in the sky, searching for the Dragon Balls)

GOHAN: The radar says we're getting close!

KRILLIN: Yeah... Who woulda' thought Bulma woulda' been so compliant?

(flashback of Krillin and Gohan's last conversation with Bulma)

BULMA: Why? Why would you leave me alone here? I don't know this place! Did you know there are giant crabs down there?! I do! I KILLED ONE!

KRILLIN: Okay, Bulma... let's just calm down. Why are you upset?

BULMA: Why? Because always alone.

KRILLIN: Okay, Bulma-- if we were to stay here...what would that accomplish?

BULMA: ...Just take the f**king radar.

KRILLIN: Thank you, Bulma. Say thank you, Gohan.

GOHAN: Thank you, Bulma.

BULMA: No problem, Gohan.

KRILLIN: And no problem...

BULMA: Shove it!

KRILLIN: I'll take it. Let's go! 

(Gohan and Krillin leap away)

(cuts back to present)

KRILLIN: Well, if you ask me, all she needs is a little bit of wink wink, nudge, nudge, *tsk*, *tsk*, *whistle*

GOHAN: Still five.


(cuts to outside Frieza's ship)

FRIEZA SOLDIER #1: It's called the Wilhelm Scream, man. It's like the one in Star Wars where the Stormtrooper falls.

FRIEZA SOLDIER #2: Aww, yeah! I love that scream. Uh, doesn't it sound like... (tries to imitate the scream)

FRIEZA SOLDIER #1: Nah, dude, it's more like... (also tries to imitate the scream)

FRIEZA SOLDIER #2: Naw, that wasn't it either. (gets shot by a ki blast and does the actual scream)

FRIEZA SOLDIER #1: Dude, that was totally it! (also gets shot by a ki blast and does the actual scream as well)

(The first soldier's corpse is seen dropping on the ground, and then all the other soldiers gets blasted to their deaths, resulting in a huge explosion. Vegeti is seen descending towards Frieza's ship and lands near hole in the center.)

VEGETI: (jumps down the hole in Frieza's ship) Wheeee!

Y/N: (thinking) I hear Vegeti yay

(cuts to Ginyu (in Goki's body) and Jeice flying in the sky)

JEICE: How's the body, ma'am?

GINYU: (looking at Goki's body through a reflection in the water) Fantastic, a little too pink and hairy in odd places, but I'll grow into it. (Thinking) she has nice tits Y/N might like that

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