namek saga (ch-8)

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{mostly focuses on recoome and Vegeti but there are a few Y/N lines so I'f you wanna skip you can}

(cuts to Namek where Vegeti had just executed Guldo from the previous episode)

GOHAN: You really saved us, Vegeti.

KRILLIN: Yeah... You totally pulled our butts out of the fire there. Really showed that Team (relaizes Y/N is gone) Three Star Spirit...!

VEGETI: They'll never find your body...

GOHAN: I feel a little sorry for those guys. They just lost their teammate. They must be devastated.

JEICE: So... when was the last time you had to.. you know?

RECOOME: Three weeks.

JEICE: Bloody hell! Three weeks?

BURTER: I did it on the trip here.

RECOOME: Recoome didn’t even have enough room in his pod.

JEICE: (notices Guldo's corpse) Oy...! Oy, is that Guldo over there? Is he dead?

RECOOME: How tragic...

(short pause)

BURTER: (extremely quickly) Not telling the captain! 1-2-3, not it!

RECOOME: Not it!

JEICE: Not it... Aww, wankers...


(cuts to Vegeti staring at Recoome, who is the next in line to fight Vegeta)

VEGETI: So, are we gonna do
this or wha--


("Hangarmageddon" by Evil Horde starts playing)

RECOOME: Vegeti, you think that just because you're the Princess of all Saiyans you're the best there is at what you do... But let Recoome tell you something, sister: you ain't no Wolverine! And you ain't got what it takes to step up to a five... time... champion!

VEGETI: Champion of what?

JEICE: This fight right here is gonna be a bloomin' slobberknocker it is.

BURTER: You can just feel the intensity!

VEGETI: Who are you talking to?

BURTER: The audience.

JEICE: We're doing commentary, mate.

RECOOME: You see, Vegeti, you sit here and brag about how the Saiyans are the mightiest warriors in all the universe; how they're the most ruthless. Well, look at where they are now: DEAD! You talk about your legends, and your warrior race, and your pride, but that doesn't mean a damn thing to this man! Because the name's Recoome, and it rhymes with doom, and you're gonna be hurting... all... too... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!

(does a fighting pose, accompanied by the audience cheering, which dies down as the camera cuts to Krillin and Gohan, shown to be terrified, and Vegeti, who continues to glare at Recoome)

VEGETI: (narrowing his eyes) Wrestling’s fake. (the audience starts booing, with a slight embrance of "you su-diddly-uck" being heard) Oh, go to Hell, all of you! And if it means getting this damn thing over with, then I'm just going to have to kill your ass! Now hit... MY music! ("Step Into The Grand Tour" from DragonBall GT starts playing) Oh, the f**k with this! (powers up and charges at Recoome, punching him into a mountain, removing his scouter in the process, and then charges up two energy blasts on each hand) SUCK IT, JABRONI!

(Vegeti puts both energy blasts in front of herself and fires it at Recoome, causing a huge explosion. Krillin and Gohan are seen ducking their heads due to the magnitude of the attack. The smoke eventually clears out.)

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