Namek saga finale pt1

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(cut to Porunga emerging from the water, now back to life, before shifting to Guru's house)

GURU: (wakes up) Aaaah! Oh. Oh... right. I stopped my heart for a couple minutes there. (notices the destruction of Namek) Oh, God, global warming? NAAAAAIIILLLL!!!

(cut to a Namekian village where all of Namekians are waking up, being brought back to life by Shenron)

MOURI: Ah, why is my neck so stiff?

(cut to Vegeti's grave)

VEGETI: (makes muffled noises as she emerges from her grave) When there's no more room in hell, VEGETI SHALL WALK THE... (turns around notices the destruction of Namek) ...other hell, what the hell? (thinking) Well, I have my clothes back-- so at least that's a start. Am I alive? (punches herself in the ribs) Argh! Augh! (falls on the ground) Yay! I'm alive! (coughs blood at the ground)

(cut to Dende)

DENDE: (wakes up and gets on his feet) I’m alive? I'm alive! And... (notices Porunga in the distance) And I have an idea.

(cut to Frieza ramming straight into Goki and burying her in a hole hundreds of feet underground before jumping out of the hole, which explodes with lava)

FRIEZA: Well, now you’re Super Saiyan soup, high in vitamin dumbass! (laughs and looks up at the sky) Huh? Oh, God, what's up with the sky? This planet really is about to blow. I give it like... two minutes tops. I better get to my ship and-- (gets kneed in the face by Goki) Stop that! Stop not dying! You think you're better than me? You're nothing but an overgrown monkey!

GOKU: And you're nothing but an overgrown that thing Chi-Chi keeps in her drawer! (thinking) Man, Freezer's stronger than ever at a hundred percent. I’ll have to stratergize. I know, a distraction! (out loud to Frieza) Hey look, Freezer! A giant dragon! (referring to Porunga)

FRIEZA: What? (looks and sees Porunga) Well, I'll be damned! Immortality is mine! (Flies off)

GOKI: (thinking) Oh, I am become error. (flies after Frieza)

(Goki manages to catch up to Frieza and once again engages her in battle)

FRIEZA: Will you just piss off already!?

GOKU: I don't have to use the bathroom!

(cut to Vegeti flying in the sky)

VEGETI: (thinking) All right, I know one of the Ginyu's ships must be around here somewhe-- (sees Goki and Frieza battling it out) Yeah, I think I'ma stay away from that one. (sees Porunga) That, however... Mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine...

(cut to Frieza dodging Goku's attacks and proceeds to kick her in the tits)

GOKU: Ah, my fun bags

FRIEZA: Filthy wish dragon, grant me immortality as so I may rid myself of these vile creatures, and secure myself as ruler of all creation!

PORUNGA: (in Namekian/Klingon) Your wish has been granted.

(Namekians start disappearing)

FRIEZA: What? No! This isn't what I wished for! What's going on?!

DENDE: (off-screen) Down here!

(Frieza looks down and sees, Dende, who's beaming proudly)

FRIEZA: You! No... No, you didn't!

DENDE: So what if I did? What are you gonna do about it, huh? Come at me, bitch!

FRIEZA: Hyah! (fires a blast at Dende, but the latter poofs away before it hits)

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