namek saga (ch-17)

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(cut to Goki getting knocked down to the ground)

GOHAN: That last attack drained all of her energy. We gotta help her!

KRILLIN: You're right, Gohan. It's time to get in there and throw down!

GOHAN: Really, Krillin?

KRILLIN: Ha-ha! F**k no!

GOHAN: then will you help us Y/N

Y/N: no

GOHAN: why

Y/N: becuase she didn't tag me in


(Cut to Goki getting knocked by a lake, her head falling into the water. Frieza is seen approaching Goku as the latter gets up and starts coughing and sputtering before Frieza grabs her by the undershirt.)

FRIEZA: Now what do you have to say for yourself, monkey?

(Goki coughs up water on Frieza's face, who proceeds to kick Goki repeatedly on the ground after a brief pause)

GOKI: Oh! Yike! Ugh! Ah! Ow! Sonofa!...

(cut to King Kai's planet)

YAMCHA: You know what? This is totally bogus.

TIEN: I'm going to do my best to ignore that you just used the word "bogus".

YAMCHA: King Kai hasn't taught us crap since we got here! And what's worse, Piccolo didn't even have to train with us. He just sat and meditated all the time.

TIEN: You're just jealous.

YAMCHA: No I'm not-- Okay, a little.

RECOOME: (faintly in the distance) Recoome...

CHIAOTZU: Hey, do you guys hear that?

RECOOME: (now more loudly) DIVE!

(Recoome crashes head first into the planet)

RECOOME: (muffled) Hello.

BOJACK: Yargh!

(Burter, Jeice, Guldo all appear above Recoome)

BURTER: I've got his left leg!

JEICE: I've got his right!

GULDO: I've got his middle! (all three of them pull Recoome out of the ground, who shakes his head)

RECOOME: Hey, what's up?

TIEN: So... are you guys--

GULDO: We're under attack! (telekinetically slams a tree into King Kai's house)

BURTER: Whoa, little quick to the trigger there, Ace.

GULDO: Sorry, I kinda lost my head there after I... lost my head.

(King Kai opens his door and walks up to the Ginyu Force)

KING KAI: Hey, I was just inside, taking a crap-- I'm old, takes me awhile-- come out, there's a tree in my living room. What's up?

YAMCHA: We were just standing around and talking about your awesome training and then these guys showed up.

CHIAOTZU: Look like a bunch of queers.

TIEN: Chiaotzu! We don't even know them. We shouldn’t make such rash judgments about--

("Tokusentai" clip plays and the four deceased Ginyu Force members make a battle pose)

TIEN: Well... we shouldn't think less of them for it.

JEICE: Good day, mates. How ya going? We're here to take control of your planet in the name of Lady Frieza. Sorry about that. (cracks his knuckles)

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