perfect saga (ch-42)

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(cut to inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with multiple ki blasts being seen flying about and Goki as a Super Saiyan managing to dodge one)

GOKI: Boy, I'm glad you're a Super Saiyan now; I've needed a good training partner! (dodges some more blasts and backs into a wall) I don't know Trunks very well, and Vegeti's always so busy...and angry. (leaps out of the way to dodge another incoming blast) And I'm not gonna lie... Sometimes, I think she doesn't like me. (destroys three incoming blasts with a single blast of her own) I mean, who wouldn't like me?

GOHAN: (lands on Goki's shoulders) Maybe you're just too good!

GOKI: Nah, I'm just Goki. (reverts back to his normal state) And speaking of Goki, it's lunch ti-- (a clock falls off the wall and lands on the ground, making her and Gohan, now in there normal state, look at the damage they have done to the Time Chamber)

GOHAN: Well, guess we don't know what time it is anymore, huh? (starts laughing but stops when he hears Goki muttering)

GOKI: (quietly) Don't break Popo's stuff. Don't break Popo's stuff. Don't break Popo's stuff.

GOHAN: …Mom?

GOKI: (much louder) Don't break Popo's stuff. Don't break Popo's stuff.

GOHAN: ...What are you muttering?



(cut to Trunks screaming as she powers up)

PERFECT CELL: Good lord, the lungs on that girl.

KRILLIN: You okay, Trunks? You, uh, doin' good on air, there? (gets zapped by a spark of electricity from Trunks' aura) AGH!

(cut to The Lookout)

PICCOLO: And there's the twist!

BULMA: Not to be a broken record, but...

PICCOLO: Right! So, uh, no worries, your, uh... Huh, I was gonna say wife, but... Well, I was gonna say girlfriend, but--

TIEN: Your baby momma is still breathing.

PICCOLO: Yeah, barely.

BULMA: Well, that's a relief.

PICCOLO: On the other hand, Trunks is about to fight Cell.

BULMA: What?! But That My kid (silence) oh the future one…right buts that's still my kid

(cut back on the battlefield)

KRILLIN: Okay, you done?

TRUNKS: Yeah, yeah! I-I'm so sorry about that!

KRILLIN: Hey, man, it's fine.

TRUNKS: My power was rising, I-I couldn't control it!

KRILLIN: No, it's good! Go kill her!

TRUNKS: Definitely didn't do that because you spared the Android or anything.

KRILLIN: Well, obviously! ...Right?

PERFECT CELL: You know, if I had a watch, I'd be looking at my wrist really condescendingly right now!

TRUNKS: Krillin, take this. (tosses Krillin a Senzu Bean) Give it to my mother.

KRILLIN: You sure you won't need it?

TRUNKS: No. This battle was over before it began. (starts descending to the ground)

KRILLIN: Bad! Ass!

PERFECT CELL: Also accurate! (looks at Trunks as she lands on the ground and dissipates her aura)

ANDROID 16: Trunks, Senzu beans heal physical damage. Only therapy will aid emotional trauma.

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