return saga (ch-20)

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(cut to Capsule Corporation in West City)

BULMA: Hey, Yamcha. Thanks for coming by and picking up the rest of your stuff.

YAMCHA: Hey, no problem. I mean, didn't have to, you know, throw out most of it...

BULMA: Eh, you were dead and it was taking up space.

OOLONG: Much like your corpse.

YAMCHA: Ha-ha. Ah, where did you bury me anyway?

BULMA: Bury?

(shows a shot of Yamcha's corpse, still decaying in the pit he died in, with buzzing sounds being heard off-screen)

OOLONG: So, Bulma. How's the single life treating you?

BULMA: It's been nice, actually. Had a dream about Vegeti and Y/N last night...

YAMCHA: You slut!

BULMA: We were walking in a park (thinking) then Y/N railed us both...

YAMCHA: You slut!

BULMA: Okay, first off, we're not even dating. Second of all, I don't even like her. (Vegeti spaceship is seen falling in the distance) Third, she's probably running out of fuel soon, so God knows if she'll ever make it back here.

(Vegeti's spaceship crash-lands in Capsule Corporation)

VEGETI: I'm back, bitches!


(cut to Bulma, Yamcha, Puar, and Mrs. Briefs in front of Vegeti spaceship)

MRS. BRIEFS: Sweetie, roll out the cot! I think we have a visitor!

(Vegeti begins to exit the spaceship)

DR. BRIEFS: (off-screen) are they colored?

MRS. BRIEFS: I'm not sure, I never open my eyes!

YAMCHA: Hey! You've got a lot of nerve coming back here!

VEGETI: Oh, a valet. Neat. I'm not tipping.

YAMCHA: Don't you remember who I am? We fought when you landed on Earth!

VEGETI: No, I fought Kakarota-- Nappa fought everyone else. Well, except for that one scrub who got killed by a Saiba-- (stops herself and remembers who Yamcha is and begins to laugh hysterically)

YAMCHA: Oh, yeah!? I dare you to come over here and laugh at me!

(Vegeti lands right in front of Yamcha's face)

VEGETI: Ha. Ha. Ha.

YAMCHA: (nervously) Yeah, see, now we can laugh together.

BULMA: Okay, seriously, we have enough to clean up without a pool of Yamcha's urine. You, come with me.

VEGETA: What? Why?

BULMA: Because you need a shower; I could smell you from East City.

VEGETI: (starts muttering to herself) ...smell you from East City... (continues muttering)

YAMCHA: (thinking) Yeah, you better run...

(cut to Vegeti taking a shower at Bulma's place)

BULMA: Hey, I'm setting out some new clothes for you and I'm gonna wash your armor!

VEGETI: Fine, but be careful! Those are dry-clean only!

BULMA: Whatever! (puts Vegeti's jumpsuit in the washer)

VEGETI: No, seriously! They lose their elasticity! (Bulma is already gone) Hello?

(cut to the balcony)

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