return saga (ch-22)

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(Scene cuts to Queen cold staring at zarbon and dodoria standing next to alter Y/N)

QUEEN COLD: so you two are betraying your own rulers

ZARBON/DODORIA: we only follow the orders of Lord Y/N/alter Y/N now

QUEEN COLD: then if that's your choice I'll have no problem killing your for your treachery (blasts zarbon)

(A cloud of dust disappears to show zarbon is still standing there with only a couple scratches on her body and slightly torn clothes)

QUEEN COLD: w-what you both are weak that blast should have vaporized you

ZARBON: I've had extensive training under lord Alter

DODORIA: we both have

ALTER Y/N: you might as well leave this planet..cold there is 3 super saiyans and zarbon and dodoria are 7x stronger than what they were on namek which means there on par with Goki at 100x gravity who could beat up Frieza in her 4th form

QUEEN COLD: it doesn't matter how strong you 3 are I'm much stronger than all of you and don't think I can't tell that (points to alter Y/N) your barely able to stand

ALTER Y/N: KAOI-KEN times 3 (covered in red aura)

GOKI: Gohan go get some senzu beans for Alter and me

GOHAN: yes mommy (flies away)

(alter Y/N charges towards queen cold punching her in the stomach multiple times pushing her backwards as alter Y/N is laying haymakers on her)

(The final punch that alter Y/N delivers snaps the bone out of place breaking his wrist)

ALTER Y/N: (thinking) dammit the kaio-ken is really taking a toll on my body I need to power down (powers down)

QUEEN COLD:.(notices his power down) HYA (punches him into a plateau)

DODORIA: ready

ZARBON: ready

(Both girls launch at Queen cold releasing there ki as they both team up on queen cold with punches and kicks as dodoria uppercuts queen cold into the air as zarbon appears behind her and slams her into the ground)

(Queen cold gets out of the rubble and takes in a deep breath and fires a massive mouth beam at both girls)

DODORIA: look out (pushes zarbon out of the way)

(Dodoria takes in a deep breath and fires her own mouth beam towards queen cold as there beams destroy the surrounding area vaporizing the rocks around)

ZARBON: don't worry I'll help you fire your load (punches dodoria in the stomach)

(Dodoria shoots out a bigger puff of her laser overpowering queen cold as the blast hits queen cold in the face)

KRILLIN: so those space girls are back

VEGETI: (furious) GRRRR

GOKI: what's wrong Vegeti

VEGETI: I murdered those bitches to keep them away from Y/N and now there somehow here which should be impossible

GOHAN: maybe it's the dragon balls on earth

KRILLIN: nope used 6 months ago for an important mission

GOHAN: what about namek

PICCOLO: no way to get there

YAMCHA: maybe he wished upon a star


QUEEN COLD: (looking in a puddle sees mutilated face) my beautiful face what have you done

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