semi-perfect saga (ch-39)

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(Cuts to alter Y/N arriving at the lookout)

PICCOLO: why are you back

ALTER Y/N: I'm not helping Vegeti

TEIN: but what if Vegeti does something stupid

ALTER Y/N: I felt trunks power level she has more than enough to kill cell (walks away)

(cut to Goki and Gohan in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, with Gohan trying and failing to become a Super Saiyan)

GOKI: Good try, Gohan, but you can't just power up and become a Super Saiyan. It comes from pure, raw emotion! You know where I was when I became a Super Saiyan?

GOHAN: Yes, you--

GOKI: (starts reminiscing the battle with Freeza on Namek) I was on Namek! I thought I'd finally defeated Freezer with the Spirit Bomb, but as it turns out...she was still alive!

GOHAN: Mom, I was the--

GOKI: She killed Vegeti, and she killed Krillin.

GOHAN: I saw everyth--

GOKI: Piccolo...tripped, or something... It was pretty bad for everyone. Then, she threatened to do the same to my son! (realizes that Gohan was there) Oh, hey, you were there! ...Why didn't you go Super Saiyan? (Gohan lets out a sigh)


(cut to Vegeti inserting her fist inside Cell, who's groaning in pain)

CELL: Stop fisting me!

VEGETI: Okay. (pulls her fist out of Cell's stomach)

CELL: (screams and takes a few steps away from Vegeti) Not all at once! Ah! Just...can I...have a minute?

VEGETI: Sure you can.

CELL: Well, thank you. That's appreci--

(Vegeti uppercuts ("shoryuken"s) Cell, sending her flying into the air, and then proceeds to knee her in the back and punches her in the face)

VEGETI: (grabs Cell by the leg) C-C-C-COMBO! (throws Cell down to the ground, severing the cliff Trunks was standing on, who merely sighs and rolls her eyes)

(shift over to Android 18, pondering on what she had just witnessed)

ANDROID 18: Wait, so I beat Vegeti...

ANDROID 16: Data not found.

ANDROID 18: But now Vegeti is wrecking Cell...

ANDROID 16: Data not found.

ANDROID 18: Okay, do you have anything substantial to add to this?

ANDROID 16: (looks over to 18) Do YOU?

ANDROID 18: ...Data not found.

(shift back to the battle, with Cell attempts to hit Vegeti)

VEGETI: (approaching Cell while dodging her attacks) You know, maybe if you'd actually trained instead of gorging yourself on a worthless species, your punches might actually hit a little closer to home.

(Vegeti hits Cell, sending her flying down to the ground)

CELL: (speaking out of her groin in her Imperfect voice) *laughs* Ah, this is an unfortunate turn of events.

VEGETI: (legitimately disturbed) Did you out your ass?

CELL: Well, to be fair, Vegeti, you are part of my DNA.

VEGETI: Ooh, that is the closest thing you've done to damage since I've gotten here.

CELL: Allow me to fix that. (starts powers up)

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