namek saga (ch-15)

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(cuts to an an outside shot of Frieza's ship and then shifts to the inside where Goki is still seen recovering in the healing tank)

GOKI: (thinking while inside the tank) ♪You put the lime in the coconut and drink 'em both up♪

♪You put the lime in the coconut and drink 'em both up...♪

KING KAI: (telepathically) Goki, come in!

GOKI: (telepathically) Oh, hey, King Kai!

(shifts to King Kai's planet)

KING KAI: Your friends are in trouble, Goki. (telepathically) Are you healed yet?

GOKI: Uh... Nah, I don't think so.

KING KAI: Well, how long do you think it's gonna take?

GOKI: Well, I think the machine will tell me when I'm done.

KING KAI: Okay, you think or you know?

GOKI: (after a brief pause) ♪You put the lime in the coconut and...♪


GOKI: Aw, come on, King Kai, they don't need my help. I bet they're doing just fine on their own.

(shifts to planet Namek)

VEGETI: Healer's down!

KRILLIN: Need a rez!

GOHAN: Out of mana!




Y/N: (confused) why is everybody screaming


FRIEZA: It's been so long since I've had to use this form. It feels like an old suit I never have an occasion to wear. (disappears and then reappears behind the group) Unfortunately, whenever I put it on... (looks over to Dende's corpse) ...someone dies.

GOHAN: Dende... no!

FRIEZA: Oh, don't cry for the poor thing. I've saved him the fate of seeing what I'm about to do to you.

Y/N: send them on a vacation

FRIEZA: (smiles at Y/N) yep

VEGETI: Joke's on you; he hated the bald one.

KRILLIN: Hey, that's not fair! (looks at Piccolo) He just met Piccolo!

(Frieza shoots a Death Beam aimed directly at Gohan, who just stands there paralyzed in shock)

VEGETI: Get down!

(Vegeti rushes in and pushes Gohan onto the ground, evading the Death Beam. The attack then hits an island in the distance, obliterating it in a flash of light.)

KRILLIN: I couldn't even follow that attack...! It was almost instantaneous!

VEGETI: Yep. Just gonna stand here and keep bein' awesome.

PICCOLO: There's nothing we can do against that kind of power!

VEGETI: Uh, hello? Awesome, right here.

GOHAN: We're all gonna die!

VEGETI: You know what? All of you better duck, because I'm about to turn left, and I don't wanna smack you with my pride.

FRIEZA: Oh, look at you, Vegeti. You're really going to fight me. Well, not-- not really "fight", more like, "flailing angrily".

VEGETI: Make your jokes while you can, Frieza. Because I can now see the peak of your power, while I'm only beginning to tap into mine...

{Old Version} yandere Dbza X male sayian readerWhere stories live. Discover now