imperfect saga (ch-34)

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(cut to Piccolo and the Androids arriving at a desolated island)

ANDROID 17: All right, sis. Since you had all the fun last time, why don't you sit this one out?

ANDROID 18: Already on it. I'll just hang out with 16 over here.

ANDROID 16: I have spotted a pelican. So majestic-- (pelican squawks off-screen) So majes-- (pelican sqwauks again) Maje-- (pelican sqwauks once more) That is a big bird.

ANDROID 17: Now, are you trying to buy time, or are you just looking to throw your life away? Because if I remember correctly... (shows Android 17 effortlessly taking out Piccolo twice in their last fight) This did not go well for you last time.

PICCOLO: Oh, I'm not the same Namekian you faced before. (removes his cape and turban)

ANDROID 17: Oh. Oh shit, are you talking metaphorically? Because if not, I'm gonna start feeling like a racist, because you look exactly the same.

(Piccolo begins to power up)

(cut to The Lookout)

GOKI: Huh. I'm feeling a whole lot of Piccolo right now. Either he's showing off...

GOHAN: Or he's fighting an Android! We have to go help him!

GOKI: No, Gohan. We have to wait for Vegeti and Trunks to come out of the Hypertonic Lion Tamer!

MR. POPO: (off-screen) That one was on purpose!

GOKI: Coulda been.

GOHAN: Well, how long do we have left?

MR. POPO: Four hours.

GOHAN: We've been here for 20 hours?! When? I mean, how?

GOKI: That's what makes it Hypersonic, Gohan.

MR. POPO: Goku?

GOKI: Yeah-huh?

(shows an outside shot of The Lookout as a screaming Goki is seen getting knocked off)

GOHAN: is she gonna be ok

MR. POPO: (not caring) sure

GOHAN: where is Y/N

MR. POPO: he left 12 hours ago going to fight cell


(cut to Piccolo still powering up for his fight against Android 17)

ANDROID 17: Man, he has been at this for like twenty hours.

ANDROID 16: It has been five minutes.

ANDROID 17: It's called hyperbole, big guy. Also, I can't sense power levels. What's going on over there?

ANDROID 16: Dodge.

ANDROID 17: Dodge what--? (gets punched in the face by Piccolo) You know, 16, yelling dodge is more distracting than helpful.

ANDROID 16: He has fused with Kami.

ANDROID 17: Kami? What--? (Piccolo kicks her in the face, knocking him a few feet across the ground) Seriously, what the hell's a Kami?

PICCOLO: It means God. Now bow. (fires a blast at Android 17, which emits a huge explosion)

(cut to Capsule Corp.)

DR. BRIEFS: Aw, there's my sweet little half-breed grandbaby. So, how's the detonator coming along?

BULMA: It's coming. But did you look at Dr. Gero's notes? As it turns out, he only attributes model numbers to his successful projects. The crazy bastard was kidnapping dozens of orphaned teenagers and experimenting on them!

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