return saga (ch-21)

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(Cut to the gang on their way to Frieza and queen Cold's location. The back of Vegeti's pink shirt currently says "Dum Cumpster".)

VEGETI: All right, Frieza's just over this next formation. Now, before we move in, we need a plan. So here it is: all of you will attack from the front, and while you're being slaughtered, I'll flank her, taking her from behind and securing the kill! Ready? Break!


TIEN: Yeah, no.

YAMCHA: Personally, I don't think Bulma should be here-- a battlefield is no place for a lady!

VEGETI: And yet you're sticking around.

YAMCHA: I'm serious! I worry about her safety! And as my close personal friend--possibly even bestie--I think we need to consider... (Bulma grabs his ear) Ahhh!

BULMA: Anyone want to explain to Yamcha here what ten pounds of torque does to a human ear?

GOHAN: Rips it off?

BULMA: Very good, Gohan!

(Gohan, Goki Krillin, Chiaotzu, and Puar all start laughing)

KRILLIN: Oh, we're gonna f**king die...


(cut to Frieza and queen Cold being confronted by the young women)

QUEEN COLD: So is this her, sweetie? Is this the women who hurt you so?

FRIEZA: No, Mommy. This is a new one.

YOUNG WOMEN: So, you must be Frieza! (pronounces it as "Fry-za")

FRIEZA: Actually, it's Lady Freeza.

YOUNG WOMEN: Really? Then why is there an "i" in it?

FRIEZA: There isn't.

YOUNG WOMEN: Huh. Gonna have to fix that one when I get back, then. Anyway, I'm here to kill you!

FRIEZA: *chuckles* My, my. Not five minutes on this wayward rock and we already have a volunteer-teer-teer (shorts out) dead women! Soldiers! Do your jobs!

STRAW: Lady Frieza, with all due respect...

FRIEZA: This sounds like insubordination!

STRAW: she just turned an entire squad into a pile of limbs!

FRIEZA: And that sounds like it's not my problem!

CHAYOTE: Man, move your bitchin' bitch ass over, bitch! (walks past Straw and scans the young woman with his scouter) What, power level of five? Shit, ain't nobody got time for that! (fires a shot at the young women who deflects it into a plateau) Well, that ain't right...

(the young women rushes forward and elbows Chayote in the face, knocking him into Queen Cold's ship)

YOUNG WOMEN: Consider that a warning! Either leave now or die!

FRIEZA: Ooo, is that an ultimatum? I love ultimatums! Here's mine: either die to her or die to me!

(Queen Cold's soldiers start rushing at young woman before the camera goes black, with a couple of sword slashes being seen, and the young woman is now seen standing in front of Queen Cold's men, who are all immobilized)

FRIEZA: What... What just happened?

YOUNG WOMAN: Give it a second.

FRIEZA: No, really, they're just...

YOUNG WOMAN: No, no, hold on... (sheathes her sword and all of the minions keel over) Yeah, took me a whole three months to get that one down. They make it look a lot easier than it really is. Real hard part was that guy's armor. (the last minion standing gapes as his scouter breaks and some of his armor falls off) I ended up going through a dozen mannequins before I cinched that one.

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