Chapter Sixteen ~GCPD~ *6 days*

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 When we got to the GCPD I was imminently separated from Joker. I had no idea where he went but I was dragged into where they kept the holding cells and was left in one of those; there was no one else in any other cells but that didn’t exactly comfort me.
I don’t know how long I was there for; I was tired and tried to fall asleep on the bench but I could hear people screaming and laughing insanely off in another part of the GCPD and the bench was too hard for me to get comfortable.
I wanted to call Edward but they took my phone.
I sighed.

What felt like another hour had passed before I heard footsteps approaching my small cell. I sat up and looked towards the door waiting, it was Jim Gordon. He looked at me with a tired expression on his face that reached his eyes.
“Sarah.” He sighed.
I half smiled.
“Yes Commissioner?”
“Joker hasn’t spoken.” He rubbed his eyebrow, “I need help.”
I moved closer to the bars till I was crouching in front of Jim.
“I can’t help you.” I sighed, “Joker was taking me to where he thought Harley was when you and your boys arrested us.”
“Maybe you could get him to talk.”
I was taken aback.
“He trusts you.” Jim continued. “And with Batman nowhere to be seen you’re all I’ve got to get him talking.”
He had a point.
I nodded.
Jim got up and unlocked the cell door moved aside to let me out. I stood and followed Jim to the integration room.
“What’s she doing here?”
I looked up to see the new DA of Gotham city, Timothy Chance staring at me annoyed.
“She’s here to help get information from the Joker since he won’t even talk to anyone else.” Jim explained slightly annoyed, “It would be nice for the Batman to be here.”
I nodded.
“Who’s going to go in with her then?” Timothy Chance clapped his hands together.
 He thought that he could charm any women with his pearly white teeth, he tried it on me when he came down to Alley Cats once and I just gave him a look and rolled my eyes.
“Why don’t you since you are the DA?” I glanced at Timothy and he moved on his feet nervously.
“Umm.” He sounded out.
I shook my head and felt something behind me; I whirled around and saw the Batman.
“I’ll go in.”
I nodded and Gordon gaze at him so did Timothy.
“You’re wanted.” Timothy pointed at him.
“Who cares as least his offering to help rather than do nothing and try and take the credit after.” I narrow my eyes at Timothy and he gulped when he saw my stare more like a death glare.
I walked over to the door and waited for the cop to unlock it letting Batman go in first then I went in and I heard the click as Gordon locked the door.
“Well hellooooo Beautiful and Batboy.” Joker said in a cheery voice.
“Joker.” Batman said coldly. We walked over to the table to sit down and speak to the master mind the Joker.
I never thought in a million years that I would be here, helping the police and Batman to get my brother back from some psycho kidnapper bitch.
Batman and I sat in front of the Joker, I notice that the Joker looked calm and not a hint of worry or anything bad in his dark brown eyes.
I looked up when he started to talk to the Batman.
“Sooo Baty’s I heard you were a wanted man and that you been in hiding.” Joker was saying leaning forward in his seat with his hands on top of the table so we could see that they were handcuffed. Batman putted his hands on the table folded, his eyes were sharp and glaring at the Joker.
“Maybe, maybe not.”
My eyebrows rose when Batman said this, Batman didn’t want to give straight answers to this man. Joker eyebrows even rose when Batman retort back with this answer.
“Hmm something is different about you, but I can’t put a hint of what though.” Joker said carefully.
I admit the way Batman is now is not what he used to be. About a year ago all I heard in the news about Batman was good things, especially women who would drool over Batman because of his muscles and mysteries mask, but now he seems like he wants to jump over this table and punch the Jokers face in.
“Nothing is wrong with me except the fact that you’re out in the streets of Gotham.” Batman raspy voice shot back at the Joker.
Joker smile and looked at me pointing at the Batman.
“Doesn’t he seem a little more angry and snappier?” Joker asked me with one eyebrow raised.
I looked at the Joker than Batman as he looked at me with his hazel eyes, I sigh and lean back in my chair with my arms crossed over my chest.
“I’m not getting in this.” I said to the Joker.
He pouted and fell back in his chair like a little child not getting a piece of candy.
“Fine be that way.” He said with a childish voice but still smiled at me.
I rolled my eyes at his behaviour but then I almost jumped out of my seat when Batman slammed his fists on the table, standing up, and leaning over the table towards the Joker glaring hard. I went wide eye at his behaviour as he seem to have this killing aura around him. Joker notice it too because he had a flash of shock go through his eyes, but then he smirked.
“Whoa ho, ho, Batman is getting feistier. Always something new about you every time I see you.” Joker said excitedly in his seat.
“WHAT IS IT YOU’RE PLANNING JOKER? WHY ARE THESE PCSYCOS WILLING TO KILL INOCENT PEOPLE IN SEVEN DAYS JUST TO GET YOU?” Batman grabbed the front of Joker’s shirt and pulled him over the table a little, yelling in his face.
I stood up from my chair and stepped back as Batman pulled Joker over the rest of the table and throwing him across the floor. I stepped back to head to the door but Batman snapped his head at me.
“Put the chair under the door so no one gets in now.” He slid a chair over to me and I grabbed it but didn’t move.
“Do it now!” He yelled at me.
I was scared; I’d never been with scared before in my life. I stuck the door under the handle of the door knob so no one could get in and turned back around to see the Joker laughing on the ground.
“Ho ho ho this is like a déjà vu moment Bats. Ha ha ha but this time your loved one isn’t going to die.”
 When Joker said that it sent Batman into a crazy animal mood; Batman yelled out in anger and grabbed Joker slamming him in the wall, glass that the cops on the other side are watching with shock over their faces at Batman’s animal like side, he slammed Joker on his back on the ground punching him in the face.
Punch after punch after punch.
Joker laughed but at the same time he was coughing probably to cover his pain.
I froze in fear at the sight of blood was gushing out of the Joker’s face.
Batman just kept on hitting him.
I snapped out of my shock and ran towards Batman, tackling him bringing both of us to the ground; Batman rolled on his back and I sat on his hips straddling him while slamming my hands on his wrist pinning him to the floor.
Batman struggle under my hold but for some reason I had so much adrenaline pumping through my veins that I held the Batman down.
“Let go.” Batman was saying trying to get me off.
The blade on his arms nicked my wrist making me start to bleed, I winced and I glared down at him. He kept trying to get up but I slapped him hard across the face.
“Would you stop your struggling? It was just words and plus if you kill him then all those people are going to die and I will lose the only family I have, so will other families and I know you don’t want that, you’re not a killer.”
Batman looked at me with wide eyes as I glared down at him, his eyes travel down my arm to see blood leaking out of my wrist; his eyes sadden as his face turn to sadness.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered softly.
I stood up smirking; he stood up and looked towards the ground behind me. I turn to see the Joker on his back breathing shallowly; the Joker looked at us in the corner of his eyes and tried to smile but I could see the pain.
He’s always hid it behind his laughter.’ I thought walking over to the Joker and kneeing down next to him. He looked at me and tried to smile again but coughed instead.
 I looked down at his body and pressed my hand on the right side of his ribs, I heard him take a ragged breath.
“Damn.” I mumble and pushed down gently over his ribs on both sides.
I turn and looked at Batman, he still had sadness and shock mixing in his eyes.
“You sure did a number on him; he has two fractured ribs and bruising throughout his bones in his body.” I said softly.
He nodded slowly and walked over to the door taking the chair off, opening the door, and walking out.
“You…see...m… kn...ow …what yo…ur doing.” Joker tried saying in between breaths.
I looked down to his face and nodded.
“I hope so, after all the times I had to fix my brother up when he got his ass kicked.” .
 I saw cops come in and I told them to call an ambulance; that he needed to go to the hospital. The Joker tried chuckling at that but he winced and started to cough, he groaned in pain. I looked at him and then at Gordon who was standing over head.
“Sarah do you want me to go or you?” Gordon asked.
“I’ll go Gordon.” I said softy.
I was still on my knees next to the Joker’s batter body but I looked up when  I heard clinging of things next to me, I saw the medics were here but they looked at him and just stood there.
“Are you guys going to stand there or actually do your job?” I snapped at them.
Joker chuckle again little but winced.
“Sorry.” They said bending down and putting his body on the board.
 Gordon was walking with me as we were walking outside to the ambulance truck.
“So, what’s going to happen with the Joker?” I asked as they put him in the ambulance truck.
“We’ll give him to the kidnappers in seven days, in the mean time I’ll try to find the hostages.”
“If you find them, will you let me know?”
“Of corse.”
The medics were getting ready to leave. 
“Goodbye Gordon.” I said as I walked to the Ambulance truck and got in.

The ambulance door shut and I sat back as the medic started to work on putting an IV in Joker’s arm. I could see he was shaking like a leaf in fear; seriously his is down and can’t move. I watched as the young medic jabbed him in the arm five times and was going for a sixth.
“Oh my god. Let me do it.” I pushed the medic aside and took the IV from him; the medic looked annoyed at me but I didn’t care, I know getting a needle is not nice if the medic can’t put the needle in on the first shot. I moved closer to Joker and looked at his eyes, I had the needle in one hand and with my free hand I gently rubbed his arm until the vein was showing and put the IV in on the first go.
I sat back and gently smiled at him, there was blood from where the idiot had jabbed him and I couldn’t help but gently rub it off with my thumb.
“Don’t these guys know how to put needles in arms?” I said quietly.
Joker started to laugh but that hurt him he started violently coughing. I went over to him and put my hands on his chest to try and stop his ribs from hurting.
“I’m sorry.” I said tears were coming down my cheek, as I looked at him.
This was how I dealt with stressful times I cried; my brother had been kidnapped and unless I gave them the Joker or found Jonathan myself he would die.
I wiped my eyes and sat back again.
“You should try and sleep. I won’t let them do anything; you know you can trust me.”  
He kept looking at me and then turned his head looking at the ceiling and nodded slowly closing his eyes, his breathing slowed down as he fell asleep. That man probably lives on energy drinks because he always seems hyper and wide awake. I watched him sleep and went over to him and brushed some hair out of his eyes, feeling the effects of thirty six hours plus without any proper sleep taking hold I turned around and leaned back on the stretcher and fell asleep too.

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