Chapter Thirteen ~Message From The Joker~ *8 days*

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A thirteen year old Sarah opened her eyes and looked at her brother as he called her.

“Come on Sarah its ok.” He reached out his hand to her.

She looked around and slowly took his hand and crawled out from under her bed.

“See it’s not too bad.”

Lighting cracked the sky followed by thunder and Sarah dropped into a ball in the ground covering her ear. Jonathan knelt down next to her and wrapped his arms around her to try and comfort his sister.

“What’ going on?” Edward walked into the room, rubbing his sleepy eyes. He looked at Sarah trembling on the floor whimpering. “What’s wrong?”

Jonathan looked at his friend.

“It’s nothing Sarah’s just frightened of the thunder.” He rubbed his sisters back.

Edward smirked and pulled a blanket off the bed, throwing it so it covered Sarah and Jonathan; he grabbed a torch off the bed-side table and joined them under the blanket.

Sarah stopped whimpering and watched Edward as he turned the light on, filling the area with light.

“It’s not that bad now.” Edward smiled, “you can hardly tell now.”


Someone touched the side of my face.


I opened my eyes, the sun was shining through the glass roof.

“Hey sleeping beauty.”

I rolled over onto my back; Edward was sitting on the bed next to me, a smile on his face.

“What are you doing here?” I stretched and sat up next to him. I still was tired and swayed on the spot before Edward pulled me close to him so my back was against his chest.

“You look tired Sarah.”

I was too tired to argue so I nodded, I had been cold the whole night so the warmth of Edwards body was welcoming.

“Why are you here?” I yawned.

“Ivy called me this morning, I was worried about you.”

“I’m sorry.” I could feel myself breaking down again.

“Shhh.” He turned me around so I was facing him and pulled me close, “it’s ok  Sarah alright. Everything will be ok.”

My head rested on his shoulder and he stroked my hair.

“Everything will be ok, we’ll get Jonathan back and Harley will never bother us again.”

I sniffed and nodded, I’m thankful for Edward for being the positive one for me.

I pulled back from him and nodded with a teary half smile, he reached out and wiped the tears from my eyes with a gentle hand.

“Come on Sarah let’s go home.”

No one spoke during the drive home, Edwards black Honda Civic had the heater on full as the rain started pelting on the glass. I looked at Edward and saw blood seeping through his shirt and I felt like crying again so I looked out my window at the grey clouds and the dull grey city.

“You don’t have to feel bad for what happened.” He reached over and grabbed my hand that was sitting on my lap.

“It wasn’t your fault.”

He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb.

I nodded but stayed silent.

It will always be my fault.

We pulled into my driveway and Edward came around to my side and opened the door and led me into the house.

“I heard your phone go off while you were away.”

I looked blankly at him as he passed me the phone, I needed to sleep but I thought it would be best to see who had tried to call me first.

The first message was from Bruce;

Hey Sarah are you ok I haven’t see you at the bar and your boss said you quit please call back as soon as you can I’m worried about you.

The next was from Edward;

Sarah where are you I woke up and you were gone please … oh wait, never mind.

I looked at Edward, he looked down and went red.

“I didn’t see your phone on the floor when I first called.”

I smiled and shook my head at his stupidity.

The last message was from the last person I expected;

Hey hey little bird I heard you were looking for me. Hahaha. Well I’ve been missing you too so here’s your big chance to see me. I’ve be hanging around town and every night from ten till one I go to Jimmie’s. Heheh. I’ll be there if you fancy a drink Heheheh Hahaha.

The phone went silent as the call ended; Edward looked at me wide eyed. The Joker had just handed me his location or at least where to find him.

It could be a trap or.

I groaned and put the phone down on the coffee table, I was too tired to think right now. I laid down on the couch and curled up into a ball.

“What will you do?” Edward came over and stroked my hair.

I shook my head as I slowly fell asleep.

“I don’t know but I might not get another chance like this to get my brother back.”

A blanket was placed over me and Edward continued to stroke my hair.

“Don’t worry about it now just go to sleep we’ll decided what to do in the morning.”

I nodded and fell asleep hoping that my brother was alive, if he wasn’t they one way or another Quinn was going to die.     


Hey sorry I was away for so so long lots of stuff been happening and I was just too busy to think of anything to write with school and all but I will do my best to update as often as I can but I wont be writing on weekends I'll be too busy I guess you could say so yeah that's all I guess take care and hopefully I'll update soon



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