Chapter Twenty Three ~Snow~ *3 hours*

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It took us most of the day to get there. With the police blocking the road and just Gotham’s general traffic we didn’t make it to the ware house before it had gotten dark. The glowing green clock in the car read seven-twenty.

“Well this is the place.” Edward stopped the car but didn’t cut the engine.

The warehouse was big, there were no lights on outside but based on the marks in the snow and dirt people have been here recently.

I opened the car door and confronted by the cold night air.

“What are you doing?” Edward placed his hand on my shoulder.

I opened the glove-box and took out my favourite knife.

“I’m going in to have a look.”

Edward sighed but didn’t protest instead he took two guns out of a holster beneath his jacket and offered one to me.

I looked at the gun before shaking my head.

“No thanks I can’t aim with a gun.”

For a small moment I saw a smile play on his lips before putting the gun back in its holster and opened the driver door. I opened the passenger door and together we slowly walked through the snow up to the warehouse.

Up towards the roof of the concrete building were windows but they were all bordered up and smashed, the whole place had a creepy air about it.

“Perfect place for a psychotic bitch to hide a hostage of people.” I mused.

I felt Edward’s eye’s on me.

“Do you think that you could make it up to that window?” He pointed to the only window that wasn’t completely boarded up; unfortunately it was on the second floor near the roof.

“Not making this easy for me.” I looked at the wall facing us, looking for a way to get up there. I walked to the wall and began to climb the wall grabbing to anything that would just hold my weight. Three times I slipped and almost fell, I expected Edward to hand me some smart remark but when I looked down to him his face a serious and pale.

The window sill was slippery with ice and snow, the boards were falling off from the inside of the building and I had to carefully pried away some of the boards that obscured my vision. A horrid creek came from the rusted nails in metal and then a loud echoing crash as the bored fell onto the metal walkway a few meters below.

“Shit.” I hissed.

“Are you ok?” I could hear Edward yell quietly.

Rather than yelling I back I gave him a thumbs up.

“Can you see anything?”

I looked into the building; apart from the walk way I couldn’t see anything with the light of the moon seeping through the window.

“No nothing.” I shook my head, “No wait.”

Off in the far end of the building I could see the light of torches and the mutters and footsteps of guards approaching the front of the building. Where Edward was standing.

“Edward!” I hissed, “Get out of there.”

He looked up confused.

“Get out of there.”

The door screeched open and two men with guns came through the door.

“Stay where you are.” They yelled with their guns aimed at Edwards head. “What are you doing here?”

He was forced to his knees with the back of a gun connecting against his head.

The moved directly below me and I slowly pulled my knife out of my pocket.

Then jumped off the window sill, I landed on the bigger of the two males his body crumpled to the ground at I landed on his back, driving my knife into his neck. The other man was two distracted with his partner to see Edward as he pulled out his gun and shoot him in the head. His body crumpled to the ground too.

“Are you ok?” Edwards dropped his gun and ran to where I was sitting holding my leg.

“I don’t know.” I winced.

Inside the building more running footsteps were heard advancing towards us.

“You should get out of here.” I looked at Edward.

He only shook his head as he began to try and lift me off the ground.

I yelled as soon as my leg moved.

“Go, go just leave and call the police.”

Gun fire came through the door and soon the other men were around us with their guns pointed at us. Edward was smashed in the side on the head with a gun making him drop to the ground instantly and two men began to drag him into the building. I tried to fight but one of the men stepped down on my leg and I screamed. I was dragged away into the building with Edward in front of me. I could see drops of blood from where Edward was bleeding trailing in front of me as we were taken deeper into this place of death.

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