Chapter Nine ~Black and Green~ *11 days*

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When I woke up the next day my head was killing me. I sat up and wanted to stretch but my shoulder was too sore for that stuff today, I looked around and notied that I was in my room. 'How the heck did I get here?' as if in answer to my question the door opened and Edward stepped in same clothes minus his green overcoat.

"Sarah!" He rushed towards me, "how are you feeling?"

I ignored the dull pain coming from my limbs and stood up, Edward let me lean on him and led me to the bathroom. I saw in the mirror that my little outing from last night had done more damage than I first thought; I had bruises running all down my left arm, my right arm looked like it had been dislocated and my face was bruised around my cheek and jaw with a little cut across my nose. I lifted up singlet so as to see the knife wound I must have failed to avoid, I touched the wound with my finger tips and winced at the sting.

"One of my men found you passed out at our old school." He looked concerned, "you'd lost a lot of blood when we found you."

I nodded.

He gently placed his hand on my shoulder, I reached up and held his hand. Suddenly feeling scared and frightened like I did when I lost mum and dad.

"Edward," I whispered, my eyes were slowly filling up with tears. "What if I can't find him? What if Jonathan dies?'

I turned around and cried into Edward's shoulder, soaking his blue shirt.

"It'll be all my fault, He'll die and it will be my fault."

I couldn't speak anymore. Edward pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me, keeping me safe.

"That's not going to happen," he gently held me back and whiped away my tears. "We'll find the Joker if we can't find him."

I shook my head.

"But what if we can't." I sobbed, "Batman can't even find him."

"We will find him," I'd never heard Edward sound so sure of himself. "Jonathan is not going to die."

I must have either passed out or fallen asleep.

All I could see was dark grey from the light that I could see through my eyelids, I was warm and comfortable, but I could feel the pillow my head rested on slowly rise and fall. Shocked I opened my eyes and looked around.

Edward was next to me with his arms around me and my head resting on his shoulder and my right hand holding onto his shirt as if my life depended on it. 

I tried to get out of bed without waking him but when I moved he started to stir.

"Where are you going?" His eyes opened, still a little hazy from sleeping.

"I was just getting something to eat."

He nodded sleepily and closed his eyes again.

The kitchen was really tidy when I got there.

I rolled my eyes 'Edward must have been at it again.'

There wasn't much food, just some bread, eggs and ice-cream.

"Looks like it's eggs and toast tonight then."

I got out the frying pan and started cooking the eggs. I looked out the window and saw a car parked out off to the side of the road close to my house, that must have been Edwards idea.

The eggs were comming out nicely.

There was a squeek as the door opened and I called out.

"Would you like some eggs Edward?"

They laughed.

"I'm not Riddler, but I would like some eggs if thats alright with you."

I turned around and was one of Riddlers men.

"Oh sorry," I smiled at him. "How many will you have?"

He came over to see how many I had.


I nodded and cracked three more eggs in the pan.

"You're looking better."

"Hm. What do you mean?"

He laughed lightly again.

"Last time I saw you, you were lying in the gutter with a dislocated arm and a stab wound in your gut."

I paused.

"You're the guy that found me."

He nodded and leaned against the kitchen table.


"What's your name?"


I giggled.

"Well Tim thank you for dragging me out of the gutter." I smiled handing him a plate with three eggs on toast.

"You're welcome Sarah."


Picture to the right is Tim. >>>>>>>>

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