Chapter Twenty Four ~Sirens~

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I don’t remember passing out but the first thing I was aware of was metal being pressed against my face, then my face stung. Slowly I opened my eyes and my eyes were assaulted by an industrial lamp.
“You look so pretty.” I could hear Harley giggle over me.
There was flash of light reflecting off the knife as she put it to my face and I felt another sting as she cut my face again, and despite myself I flinched.
Much to her amusement and her high pitched giggle rang out, filling the room.
I let my eyes adjust and looked around the room; I was strapped to some sort of dentist’s chair from hell, all around me were posters and newspapers of the Joker stuck onto the iron walls with blood stains the dripped down to the concrete floor.
Under the lamp I could only make out Harley’s figure leaning over me and on one else.
“Harley.” I mumbled.
She leaned in closed to my face with an expecting smile plastered on her face.
“Yes.” She sung.
“Where’s,” I coughed. “Where’s Edward. Where’s my brother.”
Her smile turned bitter and she gently slapped my cheek, smearing my blood on my face.
“They’re safe.” She reached up to the lamp and directed it towards the far end of the room; I could see Edward in the same dentist’s chair from hell, his eyes flickered as the light was shone onto his face.
“And Jonathan?”
She moved the lamp to he left and I saw my brother handing from a chain around his wrists, his toes just touching the ground.
“Jonathan.” I called. “If you’ve hurt him I’ll kill you!”
She just laughed; that insane on edge laugh.
“Your brothers alive.” She hissed as she walked over to him.
His shirt was covered in dirt and blood; his wrists were raw where the chains held him off the ground. Harley strutted over to him and slapped his cheek, leaving to cuts from her nails.
“Wakey wakey Scarecrow.” She yelled.
I watched my brother flinch and slowly open his eyes; he looked around then his eyes fell shut again.
“What have you done with him?” I yelled.
“Or you’ll what?” She screamed back.
Her hand went to her pocket and withdrew a gun, in three long steps she was next to me with her gun at my temple.
“You are powerless here, I am the queen, I say who lives and who dies.”
I closed my eyes and prepared for the end as I listen to her finger squeeze the trigger.


Through the fading reverberations of Harley’s voice I could hear a deep, and sinister laugh. It rippled through the air and I almost felt the fear coming from Harley.
A wet crack joined the laughter and ended as soon as it started.
Despite my better judgment I opened my eyes; Harley was staring at the ground in front of us. A man lay in a crumpled heap on the concrete, their limbs bending in odd angles and their skull smashed in from where he’d hit the concrete.
The laughing continued, louder and more uncontrollable.
Running footsteps from the runway above echoed with the laughter. Harley’s fear turned to panic as she started waving her gun around and screaming.
“Where are you?!”
The laughing and running stopped leaving us in the dying echo.
“You wanna know how I got these scars?” The voice was dark and cold. It left both Harley and I shivering with fear.
“I’m not afraid of you Joker!” Harley screamed, her voice shaking, “Come out where I can see you.”
I heard myself swallow hard and could see Harley’s eyes darting around readying to fire her gun.
After thirty painful seconds he spoke again.
“You know how I got these scars. Don’t you Harley.”
Joker stepped into the light, full purple suit, fresh make-up and that smile. In his left hand he held a knife in his right a gun.
Harley backed up in fear bumping the lamp, the light swung off him and for the second the light was off him he had gone.
“Do you remember all the lessons I taught you Harley?” 
Jokers voice seemed to come from everywhere in the darkness.
Footsteps ran behind us and I heard a gun fire then glass shattered crashed to the ground as the light to the side of us went out.
All I could do was continue to lay there strapped to the table. In front of me I could hear Harley start laughing; it started off low and quiet then turned insane and wild.
“I know what you’re doing.” She screamed into the darkness. “You’re trying to scare me, like you’ve always done.
She began firing off random shots.
“Well it’s not going to work.” Her voice broke into a frightening, animalistic scream as she finished.
Cool sweat dripped down the side of my head and then the laughing started again.
“Harley, Harley, Harley.”
She stepped forward, still with her gun.
“I just asked you a question.”
His voice sounded in front of me but I could feel some one next to me taking the straps off my arms and legs until I could move again.
“No.” Harley’s voice was steady. “I haven’t.”
Momentary laughter.
“Good. And what was one of my lessons?”
 She breathed in calmly but didn’t say anything.
Next to me someone tugged my arms and pulled me so I was sitting and handed me my knife.
“Get your brother and the Riddler.” I couldn’t pick up whose voice it was but I didn’t have time to ask before then vanished. I rolled out of the chair and crawled around Harley to Edward and began to untie him.
“Sarah? What are you doing?”
“Shh.” I hissed, “I’m busting you out of here.”
I was half way through cutting through the straps, Harley’s and Joker’s voice just becoming background noise. I felt the leather strap break and Edward could move freely.
“Go outside, there shouldn’t be any guards there.” I whispered.
“But.” He protested.
“No. Go and call the police, tell them that this is where Harley is.”
He nodded and left, I watched him slowly creep out of the warehouse.
Next I went to Jonathan. The chains rattled as I grabbed his waist to try and figure out a way to get him down, but Harley was so distracted that she didn’t see anything.

“Harley! This is the police!” A call came from outside.
Everyone in the warehouse froze and a light was shone into the room. Harley looked at me and screamed.
“Don’t let them get in and don’t let them leave alive.” She aimed her gun at me. Joker tackled her to the ground, knocking the gun from her hand.
“Edward.” I yelled over all the gun fire.
He was already running back to me with the gun he’d dropped outside.
“Edward help.”
He raised his arm and aimed for the link in the chain above Jonathans hands, he fired and Jonathans limp body felling to my arms.
“There’s a van out there we can take it and leave.” Edward called.
I nodded we headed to the door.
Behind me I heard the sound of a gunshot, I looked back and watched at the Joker fell to the ground and Harley straddled him with a knife. I turned my head back and saw to the side was a motorbike.
“Edward take Jonathan and go to the cave.”
He stopped and looked at me shocked.
“What? No!” He yelled. “Sarah I’m not leaving without you.”
“Just go I’ll beat you there.” I moved away letting Edward have Jonathan. “I have to help.”
He groaned but continued on.
“I’ll see you there.” He yelled.
I nodded and ran back to Joker. One of the men still left grabbed me by the hair and tried to drag me away. I grabbed his wrist and dug my nails into his skin to the point that I could feel his blood down my arm. He let go and I kicked him in the face before sprinting to the motorbike, not wanting to stick around.
The bike was bigger than I was used to the engine roared to life and I sped over to the Joker, knocking Harley to the ground.
“Get up.” I yelled.
He didn’t move.
“Joker get up!”
His eyes flickered open and he climbed to his feet and onto the bike.
“Hold on.”
I revved the bike and sped out of the warehouse, behind me I could hear the police as they finally broke past her guards and bullets flying past me as I made my way onto the road and a terrifying scream as I left that place behind me.
I could feel the Joker tighten his hold around my waist and his head leaned against my back.
“Are you ok?” I yelled as loud as I could.
He didn’t respond.

I am so sorry it took so long but here it is :) The banner art is made by KiaraTheWriter  hopefully it works but if it doesn't let me know and I'll see what I can do. :) Again thank you so so much for sticking with me.

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