Chapter Twenty Eight ~Not A Good Time~

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I couldn't sleep.
I tossed and turned on the thin mattress but no matter how much I wanted it sleep wouldn't come. I listening for any sounds coming from the cave, nothing but the rapid beating of bugs wings against the lights could be heard.
"They must be asleep." I muttered to myself and sighed.
Closing my eyes I desperately tried for sleep again.

A cold hand covered my mouth while another gripped my shoulder.
"Stay quiet." A voice in the darkness spoke. They removed their hand and I didn't cry out.
"Joker?" I mumbled, my mind still dull from sleep.
A small light illuminated his pale face and red mouth. He was grinning.
I suddenly because aware of my singlet showing him more then I would've liked.
"You kissed Riddler." His smile faded into a frown.
I rolled my eyes.
"He kissed me I had no say in it."
Joker was still frowning.
"Get over it." I was suddenly annoyed, "and let me sleep."
I rolled over and pulled the blanket over my shoulders.
I still felt him there, sitting on my mattress.
"What are you doing?" I muttered.
"Just sitting."
I sighed in frustration.
"Go to bed."
He didn't say anything but I could hear his hair scraping his jacket as he shook his head.
I closed my eyes.
For a long time there was no noise conning from him, the light he had was out and every time my eyes opened slightly I could nothing in the darkness, I though he had gone.
"Joker?" I whispered as silently as I was able.
A soft "hm" came from the darkness next to me.
"What are you doing?" I hissed at him though didn't turn to face him.
"You told me to 'go to bed'. So I am." I could hear the smug amusement in his words.
Groaning I slammed my eyes shut again.
More silence.
"Why am I still alive?" From the darkness next to me Jokers voice sounded softer than I thought possible from him. I rolled over to face him and in turn heard him roll onto his side to be facing me.
"What do you mean?" I whispered.
"You've saved my life dozens of times now. why?"
I shrugged as much as lying on my side would allow me. I hadn't actually given it much thought until now.
"I don't know."
I could hear him nod.
"All your troubles would've disappeared if you'd've just let Harley have me."
He was right.
"I know."
There was more silence.
I was about to close my eyes and go to sleep, not bothered that the Joker was lying next to me. I felt cool hands on the side of my face and a hot breath crashing onto my lips.
Joker's lips were hot when then crashed against mine, this was the second time in two days someone and kissed me, and unlike Edward I felt the need to kiss back.
His hands were rough as they touched my body, moving under my singlet and up my sides.


The night went on and thankfully no one heard us. 
After we were done I lay in my bed, covering my body with a blanket.
I was ready to sleep.
Joker was lying next to me; stroking my arm with the back of my finger, humming.
My eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep.

Sorry for the long wait, and the poor chapter. I've been trying to sort things out.
But anyway have a Merry Christmas, if you don't celebrate Christmas then have a good rest of the year and enjoy any celebrations you have planned. 
Thank you for sticking with me through this and hopefully I'll be updating again soon-ish.

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