Chapter Thirty ~Suicide Drop~

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My eyes flickered open as small lights from outside my room landed on my eye lids. I rolled over and stretched my arms.

Joker wasn't there.

I rolled around on the mattress looking around the near pitch black room, no sign of him.

Movement and whispers from the next room drew me out of my bed and tip toeing into the main room.

"Well that's one problem solved."

"Is it? What if she comes after us next. What if he tells her where we are."

"Would he?"

I stepped around the corner; Edward and Jonathan halted their conversation and looked at me.

"What's going on?"

Neither of them spoke, in Jonathan's hand the glow of a phone lite up his palm as he tied to obscure it from view. "What's that?"

They were silent as they looked at each other.

"It's Jokers phone." Edward finally spoke.

Jonathan sighed and held it out to me.

"Why do you have it?" I narrowed my eyes as I took the phone from my brothers out stretched hand.

"He gave it to me before he left."

I read through the more recent text on screen; the last one from Joker to Quinn was just under two hours ago.

"Did he say where he was going?"

Edward just shook his head.

A wavy of nausea and worry hit me, I reached around behind me for something to sit on. Jonathan grabbed my hand and arm and directed me to a seat behind me.

"Sarah are you ok?"

I didn't say anything as I read the texts. Jonathan was still standing next to me, Edward in front of me.

'...Meet me at our special spot ...'


Edward knelt down in front of me meeting my gaze.

"Did he say where he was going?"

"No." He shook his head, looking down slightly.

I closed my eyes and leaned back againt the cold rock wall.

'He's gone. He's not my problem anymore.' I frowned.

"We have to find him." I finally spoke, my voice cool.

"Sarah why?" Edward stood up to look down at me, his face was stern as his eyes steeled. "We own him nothing, he went off by himself he. Going after him will just end up with us getting killed."

"He saved our lives." I narrowed my eyes at Edward.

Behind him Jonathan leaned againt the wall for support, his face paled and his eyes went vacant.

"I don't want to go back there." He whispered.

I moved off the seat and stood in front of my brother.

"Go back where? Where did he go?" 

He shook his head and looked at the ground.

"Jonathan Joker saved your life. I'm not going to ask you to take me there but I owe him to go there after him." I held his shaking hands in mine to steady them. "Jonathan please."

He looked up at me and I heard Edward sigh in frustration behind me.

"Harley first took me to a little shack." He paused to draw in a raspy breath. "There was so much blood, and everynight all I could hear were peoples screams as they died."

I let go of a breath I hadn't noticed I'd been holding.

"Do you remember where it was?"

He nodded.

"It was on Arkham Island. She called it Suicide Drop; it's the place the inmates would escape to when they were going to kill themself."

Jonathan slid down the wall until he was hugging his knees. 

"Thank you." I hugged Jonathan tightly.

"If you go you might not come back." He whispered tearly into my ear.

"I'm coming back." I whispered back.

I stood and walked up the stairs. Fresh snow had fallen covering any tracks that might have been left.

"Sarah." Edward had come up from behind me and grabbed my shoulder. "Sarah don't go."

"I have to."

"No you don't. Sarah we need you, I need you."

I sighed and turned to face him, placing my hand on his cheek.

"I have to go."

Edward looked down to try and hid the tears in his eyes.

"You love him don't you."

"I don't know, but I need to go."

He nodded.

"Then I'll come with you."

"No, you need to stay here and look after Jonathan."

Edward couldn't hide the tears anymore as he nodded.

"Make sure you come back."

"I will."

I didn't look back as I walked to my bike and climbed on to it, the engine started and I road across though the light covering of snow.

'You might not come back  you know.'

I sighed.

'I know.'

You Should Smile More (a Joker fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now