Chapter Three ~WTF!~

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Saturday came and I was driving to Wayne manor in my 2008 Chevrolet Camaro concept it was black with a red interior, yeah I don’t know much about cars. I pulled up at the front door and gave the keys to the valet; he was a young boy with dark hair wearing a nice dark blue uniform.

I walked in and was greeted by Alfred, Bruise Wayne’s butler.

“Good evening, you must be Miss Karen.” He said.

“Yes, you must be Alfred.” I smiled at him.

The party was ok, nothing great. I walked to the balcony and looked to the city, it was cool outside and my dress didn’t really help; it was backless and the only thing keeping it up were two thin straps, it was my favourite colours, purple with a black streak up the front and I had a purple belt made out of sequences for it too. I heard someone move next to me and looked at them out of the corner of my eye, it was Bruce Wayne.

“What do you think of the party?” he asked, I turned to look at him.

“Its ok, but I’m not one for parties.” I said, I turned back to look at the city. I heard Bruce move then he spoke.

“So tell me about yourself.”

“I think you already know all about me.” I said smiling.

“Well you already know about me, how did you know what car I have?”

I smirked.

“Your car smashed up my bike when you where trying to catch a light a few months ago.”

“Oh, right, sorry about that.” He seemed embarrassed.

“No worries, I fixed it right up.”

A few months ago when the Joker was on the lose he was threatening to blow up a Hospital if a Lawyer wasn’t dead by noon, I was caught in a crash with Bruise Wayne and my bike got totalled, luckily I was able to fix it.

I was still looking at the city; it could be quite beautiful at night. I felt Bruise move closer to me. “Beautiful.” He said.

“Yes it is quite beautiful.”

He laughed lightly.

“The city can be beautiful, but I meant you.”              

I froze when he placed his hand on my lower back and I felt him move a stray piece of hair out of my eye. I turned to look at him; he was slightly leaning forward, to kiss me? His lips were close to mine but I didn’t know how to respond, this was new territory for me.

“I had better go.” I said quietly and shyly.

He looked down and nodded before stepping back.

“I hope you had a good time, good night Sarah.” He said

I smiled and nodded before walking to the front door.

Rather than get my car I hailed a cap that was going by and got in.

“Where to miss?” the cab driver was a young man with olive skin and black hair.

“Grangers Street, please.” I knew I didn’t have to say please but cap drivers get crap from everyone so I thought I should be nice as long as he was.

As we were driving I thought about the party and Bruise, he tried to kiss me. All the boys at school never liked me because they thought I wasn’t very attractive, I ran into one of them at the bar once he didn’t recognize me and he tried to hit on me, this made me smirk, and I remembered that night and how much my appearance has changed, but I was still a social outcast.

The smirk disappeared as quickly as it came as a figure hit the windscreen of the taxi, I watched as the taxi driver freaked out with the guy on the windscreen sliding off it slowly until they hit the ground. I got out of the taxi and slowly walked to the guy lying on the road.

 ‘Nobody saw that ok,’ I thought.  ‘I wonder if his dead.’ It was a man in a dark weathered purple suit, he was face down. I turn him over and instantly saw the war paint and dyed green brown hair, THE JOKER!

 The taxi driver, who got out with me, saw who he had hit, and not wanting to stick around long enough to be put on the Joker’s hit list jumped back in the car and drove off.

“Thanks a lot asshole.” I yelled after him, throwing my arms in the air. I know he’d just hit the Joker and was still freaking out but he could have at least waited for me to get back in the car, now I have to walk home in these heels.

I look down at to the Joker’s battered body and sighed. ‘He doesn’t look too bad for someone who’s been hit by a taxi. Is he even still alive? ’ I sighed again; I seemed to be doing that a lot tonight.

I crouched down and placed two fingers on the side of his neck to feel his pulse, he was still alive. I didn’t know whether to be relieved or not. I sat down next to him to weigh my options; I could try to take him home and revive him or leave him here to probably die? I would need a car to get him home and I couldn’t see one here that I could ‘borrow’.  I’ve had enough crap to deal with tonight already and the last thing I need was to try and drag a guy with clown makeup home with me.

I got up and started to walk in the direction of home. I heard a noise coming from the direction of the road where the joker is laying, I stopped and looked back at him over my shoulder; he looked so pathetic lying there on the road. I looked at the concrete ground and groaned in frustration before I turned and walked back to him. I crouched down beside him and looked in his pockets for any knives or guns or anything that he could use to kill me if he woke up. I found an O-T-F Delton Cupid in the inside pocket of his vest, I held the knife and triggered the blade.

Sweet.’ I smiled at the knife, but frowned when I looked back at the Joker.  I grabbed the Joker’s arm and pulled it around my neck before standing up and wrapping my other arm around his waist. I took one step and almost fell down under his weight.

“No, this isn’t going to work, heels.” I said to them as I kicked them off.

This time it was easier for me to walk but still no picnic, I might be strong but it’s not an easy thing to half drag half carry a guy that’s 6’3 feet and at least 191 pounds when you’re only 5’9 feet.

I walked up the hill holding onto the Joker to stop him from slipping when I saw the most convenient act of stupidity that mankind has performed in a long time; there parked on the side of the road was a black Honda Accord. I moved closer to the car and saw that the keys were still in the ignition, trying not to get my hopes up I tried to open the back door; it opened. I laid the Joker down in the back and went around to the front, the car started fine and I started to drive home.

Home wasn’t that far away and I turned the radio on, I loved music it helped me think and fight and thinking is what I needed to do right now. I still didn’t even know what I was going to do when I got home, I didn’t even know what I was going to do when the Joker woke up, he might try to kill me but I think I could take him in his current state if he tried to attack me, plus I had his knife. I could see the drive way to my house approaching quickly and I pulled in. After turning off the engine I looked back to see if my passenger was ‘still with me’, he was. I got out of the car and went to unlock the front door the before I went to get the Joker. 

I got him inside and put him on the couch; he was bleeding from the head and by the way his arm was bent back I think his shoulder was dislocated or broken, I went to the kitchen and got my first aid kit from under the sink. It consisted of; bandages, band aids, scissors, burn cream, hot and cold instant packs as well as other stuff. I took a flannel and wet it lightly so it was damp and put it where the Joker was bleeding from his head. He actually doesn’t seem like he is a killer when he is knocked out, just a guy who is misunderstood, His scars don’t seem that bad up close at all. But it probably frightens people when he wears all that paint over his face. There wasn’t much I could do with his shoulder until he woke up so I went a changed into a black tank top and dark blue denim jeans, then going back into the kitchen I sat in the kitchen table and waited. My black Ipod was sitting on the table, I picked it up and listened to it the first song was ‘Shadow’ by Red, I closed my eyes and tapped out the song on the table. ‘Breath no more’ by Evanescence came on as my eyes dropped and I fell asleep and I dreamt of the night my life was changed.

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