Chapter Eleven ~Harley's Visit~ -special Riddler chapter-

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Sarah’s not home yet.

I sighed and stood, turning the T.V off. I was getting worried what if something happened to her? What if she had gotten into another fight? What if … I sighed again.

No Sarah’s not that reckless.

There was a knock on the door.

Who could that be at this time of night?’ I slowly opened the door. The last person I wanted to see was standing on Sarah’s front porch with all her goon behind her.

“Helloo Eddie,” Harley smiled. “The Raven home?”

I frowned and started closing the door.


She blocked it with her dark purple boot and smiled at me.


She threw a pellet down on the floor and the air was filled with Jonathan’s fear gas; the door was kicked open and her goons started smashing up the place, all I could do was run.

A gun was fired and pain shot though my leg, I hit the ground and could hear Harley walk over to me.

“You should know better than to run away.” She turned me on my back. There was something in the eyes; she was more unhinged than normal.

“Harley you need help.”

She shook her head and grabbing me by my hair dragged me into the bathroom.

“No Eddie I don’t need help.”

She started the cold water in the bath and pushed me in.

“Harley this isn’t you.” I gasped when the freezing water covered my chest and I froze.

“You’re right this isn’t me.” She took a knife out of her jean pocket and ran her finger over the blade, “This is Harley mark two; better and bader than ever.”

She ran the knife over my chest, carving words into me, laughing the whole time. I tasted my blood in the water as she held my head under, I was too weak to even try and save myself. Everything became a bure … the next thing I knew, Sarah was holding me.

“Sarah.” I breathed, and feeling safe I passed out.

I was never that popular when I was at school.

I was never that much into sports and because of that the other boys at my school, including my father, disliked me and went out of their way to make my life as hard as possible. The only person who didn’t seem to mind me was Jonathan Karen or Crane as he liked people to pronounce it.

“Hey Jonny.” I smiled holding up a piece of paper between my fingers. He rolled his eyes and looked up from his book.

“What do you want?”  

I opened the folded paper and read from it;

“What has four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon and three in the evening?”

He smiled and went back to his book.

“A human.”

“That was an easy one for you.” I sat down next to him and laughed.

It was a few months later that I would meet his sister, Sarah.

“Just admit you cheated.”


"No good no-it-alls thinking they know everything."

Jonny and I were in a normal place that what all to well known to the two of us; backed against the back wall of the gym, surrounded by the school football team. I sighed and rolled my eyes waiting for us to proceed beating us up as their girlfriends and other members of the school stood back cheering them on.

“Hey Jonathan!” a girl who looked about twelve skipped over to us, ignoring the boys surrounding us. She smiled showing her braces and held her hands behind her back.

“Hello Sarah.” Jonny smiled, “Edward this is my sister.”

“Hello.” I waved.

“Sarah this is my friend Edward Nigma.”

She smiled and giggled.

“E. Nigma.” She smiled, “and I hear you like riddles too.”

I nodded.

“Why is a raven like a writing desk?”

One of the boys seized her by the back of her shirt and lifted her off the ground.

“You’re going to pay for interrupting us.”

She didn’t even flinch.

I looked at Jonny next to me so see if her was going to do anything about this.

“Just get down.”


He pulled me onto the ground and covered his head. Sarah took a match box out of her pocket and smiled.

“Do you want to see my friends?” She said innocently and started opening the box under the guy's nose.

 He dropped her and ran, everyone else following him shrieking. Jonny was next to me laughing his head off, I looked from him to Sarah to see what was so funny. She walked towards me and opened the match box, I flinched expecting it to be bees or spiders or wasps but it was just a lady bug. It stood there for a few moments before spreading it's wings and flying away.

Sarah smiled as she watched it.

“So why is a raven like a writing desk?” She smiled.

I opened my eyes.

Sarah was next to me on her bed, my head was still aching from the fear gas and my chest was stinging. I tried to move but winced from the pain instead. Sarah moved into me, her warmth filling me.

“Don’t move or you’ll hurt yourself.” She muttered.

“Sarah?” I whispered, “Why is a raven like a writing desk?”

She smiled.

“Haven’t the faintest.”     


Hello Demons :)

Tomorrow I will be going on a holiday to SA with my family so the bad news is I am not allowed to bring my laptop with me :( but I will write more chapters when I'm up there and will upload them to Wattpad when I come back :)

Sorry for not updating that often I would come up with some excuse like I've been sick but I've really just been lazy (I haven't even looked at my holiday homework) but as I said I'll add what I have written to what ever stories I have been writing for. In the mean time feel free to check out my other stories and people I have fanned (I have fanned them for a reason and that is because they are good writers) and until I hear from you again c'ya :)

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