Match, Set and Game

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"Calm down! I'll deal with him. Go play with the rest of the team. Send Neton and Clark over to me. Tell them I know what they've done."

I nodded and walked over to the idiots with my head held high.

I was about to play.

And god would this be an epic match.

Normal time....

"Whose team am I on?" I asked the others that were playing.

"Ours!" Shouted some kid whose name I really needed to learn on 'B' team.

"Ok, lets do this shizzel." I replied with a little laugh.

I pulled on a red bib and looked over to Neton, Clark and Coach.

They didn't look like they were having a good time.

I smirked.

I ran onto the pitch and got into position.

"Play!" I shout.

Sam had the ball and ran with it. He might hate running but he was bloody fast!

A kid from my team, number three, got the ball off him and kicked it straight to me.

I got it and ran.

Round Brandon.

Past Chris.

Round Becket.

And I kicked the ball straight to kid number three again.

Straight past my brother and into the goal.

1 - 0

"WHOOP WHOOP!" I shouted "AGAIN!"

Sam started with the ball again.

He didn't run with it though.

He kicked it straight to Brandon who tried to run straight past me.

I faced him and tried to get the ball off of him.

"This is new." I said with a smirk.

"What?" He asked, still trying to keep the ball away from me.

"Me trying to get the ball off of you." I said.

"True dat, true dat." He replied.

With a smirk I got the ball off of him.

I passed it to another kid, #13.

He got it but Tommy got it off him almost immediately.

"STOP!" yelled Coach from the sidelines.

We all looked at him.

"WE NEED TO TALK!" he shouted.

Everyone started to walk over to him but he shook his head.


B team went back onto the pitch and started kicking the ball between them.

We reached Coach at about the same time ish.

"We need to talk."

"I know." I said and the rest of the team nodded.

"About recent events." He said.

"Yeah I got that." I huffed.

"Watch it Parker." He warned "Anyway, I've been thinking and I've decided that we're just going to put the arrest scandal behind us."

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