Dont think i can handle it?

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I walked into maths ten minuets early. All the guys from the team were in my maths class and we all sat on one table. There was twelve seats but there was only eleven of us so there was an empty seat.

"I can't believe he said that. I'm going to kill the bastard!" I said. I was incredibly pissed off.

"Calm down! He ain't even seen you play yet!" said Brandon.

"Fair point. But he shouldn't judge like that! There are plenty of girl football players! He's such a sexist pig."

"You got that right!" said Chris.

--------------------------------- at lunch


"So, you're the captain of the football team." said Coach Harley.

"I think we've established that I'm the captain and that you've got a problem with that. Is there anything else we need to say?" I asked. I hated this man, he was an ignorant pig.

"What, are you quitting?" he said, hopefully.

"No way! I love my team."

"So it's your team now is it?"

"Yeah, what part of Captain do you not understand?" I asked innocently.

"Just so you know, we're redoing try outs. Just out of the two teams, I make sure that everyone is on the right team."

"and by that you mean make sure I'm not on the starting team, right?" I asked.

"And if I am, what are you going to do about it?"

"Me," I said "nothing. It's the team that's going to get even with you. You lose them their best player and They are gonna get pissed off at you."

"So not only is it your team, you're the best player on it."

"Yeah, can I go now?"

"Go but make sure you come to try outs tonight."

"Oh don't worry, I'll be there.

I didn't bother going to my last lesson and just went home. Well I tried to go home. Just as I was about to walk out of the door I heard my phone beep. I had a text. It was from Matthew.

'Mum wants you in her office. Been callin 4 u 4 bout 10 mins. Hurry!'

Friendly right? I sighed and went back inside and made my way to the heads office. I had been there plenty of times before. Sometimes for family reasons and sometime because I was bad. It was usually because I was bad. I walked into the office and saw the entire a team in there as well as half of b team.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"You tell me." mum said " I come to my office to find 80% of the football team outside and they refused to say anything until their captain got here."

"Fine, I'm here, now what did you want?" I asked the teams.

Shane turned to my mum, "We want a new coach."

"I got you one. His name is Coach Harley. He seemed very nice to me."

"Yeah he would seem nice to you, seeing as you probably chose him knowing he would kick me off the fucking team!" I shouted at her.

"Language! Has he kicked you off the team?" she asked hopefully.

"No, but he threatened to. He had a go at me for being captain this morning!" I shouted,right in her face. Then I turned to my brothers "And this is what you call fucking supportive!" I went to walk out of the office.

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