Coach Harley

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"Get up!" I yelled at my brother through his door.

"But it's five o'clock in the morning!" he whined.

"And we have practise in an hour so get up!" I shouted back at him. If I didn't get him up he would miss practise, and then he would kill me.

"Bitch!" he shouted through the door at me. What an ass!

"Lazy dick head!" I shouted back at him and then I went to go and get dressed. I had already showered and dried my hair. I went into my walk in wardrobe and pulled on a red bandeau and a black pair of shorts. I grabbed some socks and a pair of trainers. I ran downstairs and went into the kitchen to fix some breakfast. I decided on a bowl of frosties with out milk. I don't get why people drown their cereal in milk. It takes all the sugar off. My brother walked in wearing a baggy pair of shorts and a football top. Tottenham obviously.

"Did you make me any?" he asked.

"It's cereal for crying out loud! Make your own!" I replied. My brother never made breakfast and usually just stole mine. But it's cereal! An ape could make it!

"Fine I'll starve!" he said and sat down right next to me. Like literally on top of me!

"Ermmm... Could you move over please!" I said angrily

"No, can I have your cereal?"

"No." I said.

"If I move over can I have your cereal?" I looked at my bowl. I have about three frosties left in it.

"Sure." Matthew moved over and I gave him the cereal.

"Hey!" he shouted.

"Yes?" he thought about it.


"That's what I thought." I looked at my watch and saw that it was quarter to six. "We need to need, like now!" I said and pulled on my socks and trainers and went to get in my car. I loved my car. It was black and it was a land rover. It had to be big because if the team went somewhere, only three of us could drive. Out of eleven of us. I originally wanted a smart car but that wouldn't have been big enough. So I went for a land rover. Me and Matt got in the car and drove round to Becket's house. He lived on the way to school so we picked him up most of the time. I honked the horn and Becket ran out with one shoe on and the other one in his hand.

"Hey" he said.

"Hi" me and Matt replied in unison.

"Do you know the new Coaches name?" he asked us. We both shook our head. As long as it wasn't coach Parker, I couldn't care less.

"Do you know?" I asked.

He nodded "Coach Harley".

"What kind of name is that?" I asked, shouting. I already didn't like this guy, he would definitely be a sexist bastard.

"You don't know what he's going to be like..." Matt started but I cut him off.

"Yeah, but I can guess. What coaches do you know that aren't sexist?" I asked.

"Coach Peters" they replied in unison.

"other than him?"

They both stayed silent.

"You are the Captain though, he should get the fact that your good from that. Coach Peters would have told him anyway." said Becket.

I nodded. We were at school, so I got out of the car and went into the gym. I didn't need to get changed so I went and sat on the bleachers and waited for everyone else to get there. Another reason I was captain, everyone else was late for morning practise. Minus my brother and Becket, but that was only because I picked them up. Coach Peters walked in, followed by my brother, Becket and a tall man with dark hair. He was ugly. He was our new coach.

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