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My phone rang when I was walking home. I knew that something wasn't right.

"Who is it, Matt?" asked Becket.

"I dunno." I said.

I answered it.


"Hello, is that Mr Matthew Parker?" the lady on the other side said.

I knew something bad had happened.


"Hi, I'm from the Oldstreet hospital. I'm going to have to ask you to come down."


"Your sister's been in an accident."

"What!" I shouted "Is she ok?"

"No." said the lady "You really need to get here as soon as possible."


I put the phone down.

"Kelly's had an accident." I said.

Then I started running. It wasn't five minuets on foot if I ran fast.

I could hear the others behind me, running as well.

I got there, and went to A&E.

"Can you tell me where Kelly Parker is, please?"

"Are you her next of kin."

"I'm her fucking brother and I just got a call that said I had to get here now."

"This way, Mr Parker."

I motioned for the guys to follow me. They were family. Kel loved them.

They showed me to a room.

Kelly had loads of wire in her. She didn't look good.

"Is she ok?" I asked the nurse "She's gonna be ok, right?"

"I think it would be best if you said your goodbyes."

"But she's going to be ok!" I shouted "She's Kel, she's tough as nails."

"I recommend saying your goodbyes." the nurse said "There's no guarantee that she's going to come to."

"What do you mean? She can't die! She'll be fine!"

"Please, Mr Parker, that's highly unlikely."

"There's a possibility."

"No." said the nurse "There isn't. We haven't been able to get in touch with your parents, but there isn't time. We'll continue to try, but you should tell her how much you love her. Tell her anything you think she needs to know."

I couldn't even nod. Becket thanked the nurse.

I ran over to Kel's bedside.

"I love you Kel," I said "I love you so much. You can pull through this."

My voice broke and tears started to stream down my face.

"Come on Kel," I said "If you pull through this I'll let you rub in the fact that I'm crying. Come on Kel, please. I love you Kel."

Becket put his hand on my shoulder and Shane went to hold her other hand. The guys gathered round her bed.

"We'll miss you, Parker." said Becket, crying as well "You said goodbye weren't meant to hurt, but this does hurt. We love you Kel."

"Love you Kel." said Shane "Please, come back. I love you so much. I'm so sorry. I love you. Kel please I love you, I'm sorry. I love you Kel. Come on, pull through. I love you."

The other guys were saying how much they all loved her and how much they'd miss her but they didn't have to miss her. I knew she'd try. She'd never give up. Her monitor next to her started bleeping and having higher spikes.

Her eyes flickered open. The nurse and a paramedic pushed his way through.

She grabbed his hand.

"Tell the boys I love them."

The monitor spluttered and went dead. We were ushered out of the cubical.

The guys had to keep me back. Kelly couldn't be dead. I couldn't deal with Kel being dead. She'd always been the one who was strong for all of us. Now it was our turn to be strong for her.

The next couple of days I was just numb. I didn't move from my bed. Mum and dad were shattered. I couldn't cope. It took me four days of laying in my bed, only getting up for water and going to the toilet. I didn't eat. I lay there but didn't sleep. Emptiness.

On the fifth day, I got up. I had to go and see the woman in the funeral place. Mum and dad couldn't bear it. I didn't want to. I opened the door and saw the postman there.


"There's another letter for you." he said "They asked me to make sure it was in your hand."

I took it and shut the door.

I opened it.

Dear Mr Matthew Parker, it said,

We would like to offer you a space to start the early admissions programme this year instead of next. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, we have a single spot open and would like to offer it to you, as you demonstrated superb football skills. Please let us know as soon as possible.

Many thanks,

Mrs Carole Griffith - coordinator of external liaisons Oxford University

I put it down and smiled.

Even though she wasn't here, I knew Kel was still looking out for me.

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