Three weeks later... It's all about nuclear atoms.

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Dedicated to ImBatman69 for commenting because it literally made me update :)


Three weeks had passed since my mum had turned up on Becket’s doorstep and begged me to come home. And It’d been exactly two weeks, six day, 23 hours and 59 minuets since I’d told her to fuck off and not come back. 

I didn’t remember saying that I was a nice person. 

Anyway, in those three weeks, I’d advanced my relationship thing with George, not received a reply from boxing, and entirely ignored Neton. 

Basically, my life had been perfect. 

Until today. 


The only class Neton was competent in. 

Guess who I was paired with for the competition presentation? 

Yep. Neton. 

A paired competition was when you had to make a presentation on a science topic and the class would vote about who’s was better.  

And I was against Neton. You’d think it’d be a breeze. It wasn’t. 

We were given the topic DNA. 

I spent exactly 37 minuets preparing my 2 minuet long presentation. It was supposed to be ten minuets, but I didn’t really care. It didn’t go towards a GCSE, so why bother? 

"Welcome class, welcome. Today will mark the start of our paired competitions on DNA. Get settled down. Hurry now.” said the teacher. 

Mr Gibbons was entirely average. 

Average height, average knowledge, average everything, really. 

We all sat down and I pulled my USB out of my bag. 

Not that I wanted to go first but I thought that it might’ve been a good time to get it out so that I at least seem prepared.

“Who would like to go first?” asked Mr Gibbons. 

As expected, no one raised their hands. 

“Mr Parker? Would you care to take centre stage?” he asked. 

There was no point in asking my brother, we all know that there was only going to be one reply. 

“No. I ain’t done it.” he said. 

“Have you got a valid reason?” asked the uninterested teacher. 

“Erm, no. No I don’t think so.” my brother replied, pretending to think. 

I knew he hadn’t done it, but so did everyone else. 

I didn’t see the point of it either, to be honest, but I had to keep making it look like I was a good student, if I wanted to stay on the football team. 

“Do you know what this means, Mr Parker?” asked MR gibbons, becoming rather flustered about the whole thing.

“I don’t have to give a presentation on DNA?” he asked. 

“Incorrect.” he said, shaking his head and waging his finger “You, you lucky boy, get to give us a presentation on DNA from memory. Congratulations.” 

Matt’s jaw dropped and I started laughing at him.

“Unless you wanted to go first, Miss Parker?” 

“No, it’s fine. Matt can go.” 

Matt got up and stood at the front of the class.

“You’ll be talking for a minimum of a minuet. Being.” 

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