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"Parker," Coach shouted "If you don't stop pacing, I'm going to make you do conditioning for the next three years."

"This is my last year at school, Coach, so have fun with that." I said, smirking and slowing to a rather exaggerated walk.

"Fine." he said "I'll bench you for the rest of the season."

Then I ran. My brother had worked hard to get that dude from Oxford to come, and I wasn't about to fuck it up for him.

Cribbin blew a whistle and my whole team jogged over.

"I want a clean match." said Cribbin, looking directly at me "No fighting. Just play clean and there won't be any problems. Felix and Parker stay behind. Another quick word."

I waited, so did Felix and so did Matt. What a mug. He liked to do that when someone of authority called for Parker. He thought he was funny.

"Sorry, I meant Miss Parker." said Cribbin, confused about why Matt was there.

Cribbin knew who I was. No way around that. I was too troublesome for him not to know. Matt on the other hand never did anything that wasn't by the book when it came to football. Off the pitch was a different story, but Cribbin didn't care about that at all.

Matt nodded and jogged off.

"Just to reiterate, I expect full cooperation from the pair of you tonight. And your teams. If you personally engage in threatening behaviour I will ensure that you both are thoroughly reprimanded. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." I said.

"And you Felix, do you understand?" Cribbin asked.

"Of course, sir." he said, smirking "I can assure you I shan't take part in any violent behaviour."

"Nor shall I." I said, looking Felix in the eye.

"Good, good," Said Cribbin "Now get on the field Parker. While I still think that you'll be the death of me, you can play football."

I nodded and went onto the field to give my team a pre-match talk.

"Guys, we can do this shit. This is a very important game. Very important. I need you to go out there and play your asses off, or you know as well as I do that Coach will hand it to you on a plate in the form of nightly conditioning." I said "Just, please, don't show me up in front of Felix or Cribbin. They both hate me enough as it is. Team?"

They all nodded and barked "Team!"

We went onto the pitch and got into position.

Then the guy from LDK academy looked at me and smirked. Yes, unsurprisingly, me and the captain for LDK had a history. You'll get use to it, I have a history with the captain's of most of the football teams from this area.

"Ready Parker?" he asked.

"Ready?" I asked "Do you even know the meaning of the word, Kalvin?"

"I know enough to know that we're gonna smash you." he said, smirking again.

We parted on slightly better terms than me and most of my ex's.

"Just try it," I said "I've got more riding on this match than you know."

"Trust me," he said, looking into the audience directly where the guy from Oxford sat, "I know."

The ref walked onto the pitch, and me and Kalvin came into the middle.

"Clean game." he said, looking at me, yeah people liked to remind me numerous times, "Visiting team will start with the ball. Sixty minuet games, with a ten minuet half time after half an hour. You swap ends. Questions?"

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