Helping coach.

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"Who can tell me the square root of pi?" my MATHS teacher asked the room. I put my earphones in and zoned out. I could always read the text book in about twenty minuets. I looked away from my maths teacher and started doodling. I still didn't know his name. I'd been at the school for nearly five years and I didn't have a clue what his name was. I guess that was bad but I wasn't particularly interested in Math. I'd rather be on a football field, discussing tactics or playing or even running. Any thing was better than MATHS spare English. Or art. Or geography. That was what I really hated. Geography. When will I ever need to know how high mount Everest is? Never. When will I need to know about hot air balloon safaris in Kenya? Never! When will I ever need to know the square root of pi? Probably never! Learning things like that is pointless! After I take my GCSE's and go through collage and uni and all that stuff, I am never going to need to be able to work out the circumference of a circle. So why do I need to learn it? Because a load of posh snobs in central London told me I had to. If you were to ask them when they need to work out the circumference of a circle, they would say never. That's why I don't think we should learn stupid things like that. So there I was, sitting in MATHS with the rest of the team and I looked up from my amazing doodling (note the sarcasm) to find my MATHS teacher literally shouting in my face.


"Ermmm, what?" I said pulling out my earphone.


"What? Why?" I asked shocked. My MATHS teacher usually liked me.

"That's the fifth time I asked you to go! I asked you what the square root of pi was ten times!" he said, still annoyed.

"Well, you could have asked a bit louder! I mean say it, don't spray it!" what the fuck just came over me! I was never like that because saying stuff like that was what got you kicked off the team.

"God, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me..." I tried to explain.

"OUT! OFFICE NOW!" he shouted, appearenately unable to form full sentences.

"Ok! I'm going!" I said helplessly. I looked around my table and saw the everyone was nearly in hysterics and one look from me set them off. They were nearly rolling on the floor laughing. Actually, Chris and Drake were on the floor. Laughing. What dicks! I laughed with them but I wasn't in a very good mood. The idiot MATHS teacher had just ruined that! I mean, I didn't really do anything wrong! It's not my fault he didn't realise I had earphones in! I walked out of the door but I took a detour to the drinks machine because I needed a drink. Ok, I didn't need to say that. It was obvious. I walked back past my MATHS room and saw that the teacher was having a go at the teams and they looked out of the door and saw me. That sent them into a fresh set of hysterics and they all got sent out of the room. At least, that was what I thought until they came out.

"What happened?" I asked them.

"We have to go and see the head." said Matt.

"What! Why?" I asked.

"Because we were laughing at you. We knew you had gone to the drinks machine and we couldn't stop laughing. It wasn't actually that funny, but it was. Anyways, we got on mr whatshisnames nerves and he started having a go at us so we had to stand up. Then we saw you and started laughing again, he got annoyed and sent us to see mum with you." Matt finished.

"It was worth it if you ask me." said Becket as we started walking towards my mums office which was on the end of the MATHS corridor for some strange reason.

"Yeah," said Tommy "I ain't laughed that much in ages." and we all laughed.

"Where's Shane?" I asked them.

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