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Author's note:

It's been a year since I even thought about this story, but I decided that Kelly needed a happier ending. I still like the original ending so I'll be leaving that up, but I feel like there's so much more of her to tell and obviously that can't happen when she's dead. So Alternative Chapter 33 start the same as the original one, but it changed halfway through. Let me know your thoughts please...

So, here's the Alternative Chapter 33...

I walked into the gym, and everyone looked at me.

"Hi." I said.

They al laughed, and ran over and hugged me. You couldn't hate these guys. They were brilliant. They were bloody brilliant, and I couldn't believe how much of an idiot I'd been.

"Parker." Coach said, "A word."

I rolled my eyes, but walked over to the table in front of the benches where Coach was sitting.

"You called?" I asked.

"How are you?" he asked.


"There's no need to be sarcastic." Coach said "What the matter with you? I thought that everything was great? You and Matt both got accepted!"

Then he walked round the table and hugged me.

"I'm so proud of you." he said "Even though everyone said that there was no way you were going to get anywhere playing football, you proved them all wrong. You've surpassed all my expectations, heck, you've surpassed everyone's expectations."

The guys all walked round, so that we were all in a gaggle.

"You've all surpassed my expectations." Coach continued "This season, you've been brilliant. Really good. And your reward for that is not only coming first in the league, but realising really important things. To those of you that are leaving this year, good luck. I know that you'll do brilliantly. I've seen you go from snot nosed year sevens to fucking brilliant year elevens who know how to cause havoc. And play football. Mainly play football. You've got so much skill, and if you put as much dedication into whatever you go for as you do football, there's no way you can loose.

To the rest of you, you've got one more year. One more year of me telling you not to fuck up at games, although I doubt you will now that Parker's leaving, one more year of you training like you need it as much as oxygen, and one more year of shit loads of conditioning if you fuck up. But you're lucky to have another year. You're lucky because it means you can keep getting better and keep winning and keep fucking up. "

"Coach can we keep the speech until the end?" I asked "Because I don't know about you, but I really wanna kick all your asses one last time."

Everyone laughed, and we headed out onto the field.

"I vote we race." I said "Because I like winning."

"Fine." said Becket "First one round the track."

"Twice." said Sam.

"And then twenty push ups." said Drake.

"And twenty sit ups." said George.

"And then one more lap." said Ellis.

"And finally," I said "ten more sit ups. I like to give others a chance."

"GO!" shouted Coach, and we started running.

I ran as fast as I could. No pacing. Coach would have been very impressed if we had been doing sprints. I was the first one to finish the first lap. No real surprise there, but everyone else was hot on my trail. I gained a bigger lead during the second lap. I bashed out the twenty push ups, staying ahead of everyone by at least twelve. Then came the sit ups. They took me a long time. I was the second one to finish and I wasn't very impressed with myself. I managed to regain my lead when we did the final lap, and the last ten sit ups were hard, but I did them quickly. I won.

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