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Chapter 30:

I looked at the phone, and it kept ringing. I didn't know if I should answer it or not. I moved my hand to the green button, but the phone rang off. Obviously, fate didn't want me to answer the phone.

Becket and Matt came downstairs, and Matt was laughing at him.

"What happened?" I asked. Becket's parent had received a phone call from Coach explaining what had happened. They weren't very impressed.

"Put it this way, you get your car keys back." he said, tossing them to me

"I did offer to drive." Matt said "But Becket's parents wouldn't give me the keys. Something to do with not having a license."

"Maybe." I said "What did they say though?"

"They asked what happened and I told them. Then they decided that they were going to take away my license so that I can't use it as ID. Then they thought that they'd make me write Henry fucking Felix a 'letter of apology'. Fuck that."

Becket didn't mind the first part, he might have even thought that it bordered fair, but he wasn't going to do the second part. No chance in hell.

My phone rang again.

It was my dad, for the second time. Obviously it was something important.

I had thought about going home and talking to my parents. I know that I had told everyone that I didn't care, but really I did. They were my parents after all. I felt some form of affection towards them, and I thought that we could work something out.

I pressed the green button.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Kelly." my dad said, he voice sounded relieved.

"Did you want anything in particular?"

"Ermm, yes, I was wondering if you'd come home tonight. We need to talk- we wanted to talk with you." my dad said. He sounded different. Proud almost.

"Ok." I said.

"See you soon."


I put the phone down.

"Who was that?" asked Becket.

"My dad."

"Oh," said Matt, rolling his eyes, "What did he want?"

"He wants to talk to me."

"I feel loved." Matt replied, sitting on Becket's sofa to play fifa.

"Don't worry Matt," Becket said "You can stay here, with me! Forever!"

"Oh my God, you're both so immature." I said, rolling my eyes.

"What are you gonna do if he asks you to move back in with them?" Becket asked.

"I dunno." I said, shrugging "Probably say yes. I love staying with you Becket, but it can't be forever."

"Maybe you're right." said Matt "But maybe you're not. What if they kidnap you?"

I just gave him a weird look.

"Look," I said "I'm going now. If I do decide to stay there, I'll come and get all my stuff first. You could come with me, you know."

"Thanks." said Matt, rolling his eyes "But I think I'll pass. Without you to take out all their hatred of football on, it turned to me. I ain't dealing with that shit again."

"Fine," I said "don't. But I think you should try and sort it out. If I'm making an effort I think you could. They're obviously trying."

"They can try all they want, I'm still going to tell them to go and fuck themselves."

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