Do you want children?

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I looked at him and he looked at me. What a fucking bastard! We had been going out for about a year, and he used to tell me he loved me every day. Then he goes and kisses some slag. FML!

"You are a fucking bastard!" I screamed at him.

"Oi, calm down Parker."

"Parker! Don't you Parker me you douche. Here take this!" I shouted throwing a condom at him "You're a dick, you might as well dress like one. Now I suggest you leave, if you wanna have kid that is."

"You're a bastard, you know that?" he asked me.

"I ain't the one snogging the face of the whore am I? Now I'm gonna count to three Clark and if you ain't gone, I'm gonna make sure the next time you think about sexual intercourse you're gonna cry. One." I barely paused "Two." longer pause "Three." then I kicked him in the balls and he collapsed onto the ground.

"You bitch! Ahhh! Fucking hell! God!"

"Oh shut up you dick! That is, if you still have one." this got me a lot of smirks from the guys and even Sadi cracked a smile.

"What is your problem?" I asked her.

"What's your problem? I was kissing my boyfriend and you come in here, call me a whore and then kick him where it hurts. What the fuck?" Sadi was alright. But I couldn't believe she kissed my boyfriend.

"He ain't your boyfriend, he's mine. Or he was, I like boyfriends that I can have sexual intercourse with, without them screaming that is."

"He told me you were over! He said you dumped him and there I was, a shoulder to cry on. He played me, he fucking played me!" shouted Sadi.

"OI LANGUAGE!" shouted Becket's dad "WHAT'S GOING ON DOWN HERE?" he saw me. "I should have known you were here Parker. What did I say to you boy?" he asked Becket.

"You said she couldn't come round if Shane came round anymore." he mumbled.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I shouted. I thought Becket's dad liked me. He likes Matt anyway. I thought it might have had something to do with the fact that last time Mr Mathews saw me, I was snogging the face off of Shane.

"LANGUAGE!" he shouted "Why is she here then?"

"Because she's captain of the team, we couldn't hold a team meeting without her."

He burst out laughing "You should have seen your faces!". Always the joker "but seriously, what happened?"

"I kicked Shane in the balls." I told him, simply. Everyone started laughing again. He was a dick, no not a dick, he was a demented Salmon.


"He kissed Sadi when he was going out with me."


"Don't worry it's fine. He played us. But he ain't gonna be doing it for loooong time." I bent down and whispered into Shane's ear "You just dug your own grave bitch!" and stood up and went to pour myself a Bacardi and coke.

"I'm gonna leave now. Please don't kill anyone Parker." he said to me.

"Yes sir." and he walked out. Clark tried to follow him but everyone was around him real quick. I pushed my way to the middle of the circle.

"Why the fuck would you do that to me? I flipping loved you!" I shouted at him.

"Is it too late to say that I'm sorry."

"Yeah it fucking is. Go screw someone, oh wait you can't." I shouted at him and everyone started laughing. It wasn't a joke.

"I'm sorry babe." said Shane, I was about to turn around and say it was too late when I saw he was looking at Sadi.

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