The Begining

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"We cant show yourself with her as our child, yet alone us being together" A man said. "I know... i know, we cant... but we cant just leave her..." A woman said with a sad voice looking down at the child in her arms. The man looked at the child then back at the woman he loved "I cant betray my race" with that said the man left, while a tear left his eye, the woman was left alone with a child that she couldnt show her race, she would be a dissapointment. 

The woman tought about what to do, when it hit her, she had to either take her child and stand by it, or kill her... "No... i cant... but what else is th..." The womans eyes lit up, she grabed her coat and walked out in the rain with the poor child in her arms. It was night, no lights were on just the light of the moon. She walked a while till she came to the front of the gate of an orphanage "Here you will be safe, and i will be too..." She said while looking at the angel looking child sleeping in her arms. She opened the gate and walked to the massive doors, carefully placeing the child on the steps to the door. "Im sorry little one, i cant take care of you... you will grow up to be someone great, i can feel it" She said while tears runing down her face along with the rain. She took out a papir from her coat and started writing a letter.

*Dear orphanage

Please take care of my little girl, cause i cant, its to dangerous for her. Her name is Layla, she is a half race, im sure you will find out what 2 halfs that is. 

With that being said, i leave her with you and thank you.*

She would fold the papir and lay the papir on little Layla, still sleeping dearly. She started to cry now, give her little child a kiss on the forehead. She the turned and left, not once looking back, she couldnt stand the pain.

When she passed through the gate, she looked up at the moon saying "make sure she is safe... please" She wiped her tears from her eyes, and walked home and try to get some rest. 

A lot happend that night, the man left his child and loved one. The woman had no other choice left then to leave her child at an orphanage. How will the little child grow up? Who will she be when she grows up?

Suddenly a woman woke up, hearing children calling for her. She opend her bedroom door, seeing 2 orphan children standing in front of the door "Please come quick" one of the chrildren said, the woman nodded not knowing whats going on, she could do nothing but follow the children, walking thunder could be heard and rain hitting the windows. They walk down the big staris to the main entrance, where the front door was open, and outside were children gathered in a circel "What are you all doing out here?, your surpossed to be in bed all of you" the woman said while walking outside to see what was more intresting then being in bed, when she saw her eyes widened as a thunder was heard close by. The woman quickly picked the little child up "Everyone inside now" she said as she walked inside with the children, as everyone was inside, she locked the door, then turned to the kids "Go back to bed" the chrildren all walked up the massive stairs and in their rooms.

The woman looked down at the little child in her arms, noticeing a letter. She placed the child on a couch and read the letter, a tear fell down her check as she looked at little Layla. "I will take good care of you, like i did with the rest of these children" she smiled, picked her up again, and walked back to her room.

Oh boy she didnt know what a troublemaker she would be back then...

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