'You are ready' - Luna

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She walked the path, which seemed like the right path, when she looked at the map atleast. She walked along the path while drifting into her thoughts. She is just... amazing, how can someone be so nice, but cold hearted at the same time? She is just something different... and she ki...

She suddenly came to a hold, when she noticed she was standing right in front of someone, thank god she didnt walk straight into them... god my thoughts of her need to stop, Layla thought. She was about to apologise, but remember who she was now, so she just walked right past the person, and kept walking her path.

She walked for a while before she started to walk into a forest. She noticed an appeltree, and felt an empty stomach. Layla walked to the tree, and started to make her way up to the freshest appels. She climped all the way to the top, she put her head thought the leaves, and was met with beautiful view. She saw the path, which she was following, then she found a town, being able to see a few people walk around. She now grabbed an appel, and took a bite out of it, she then put the appel in her mouth and climped back down, knowing she was nearly there.

Layla had eaten the last bite of the appel, and was now out of the forest, walking straight to the town. When she got there, people did notice her, and were a little frightend. People moved out of her way, but didnt do anything about her walking past, as she was walking alone, which is not to dangerous for other people, Layla was told that, before her journey.

She tried to keep her smile from taking over on her face. She walked the streets, admireing the architecture of the town. Layla shoke her head, and paided attention to finding the tarven, she walked confidently around the town, looking for the tarven. She walked a bit, and turned by a cornor, seeing a bunch of people close to a building, Layla smirked as she knew she had found it. People moved out of her way, sense she was a darkelf, and people were quite afraid of them, but again she was alone, so they just moved. 

Layla walked though the wooden doors of the tarven. When she walked in, everyone turned to look at her, some people looked right away, when they saw her, others just stared at her. Layla scanned the tarven, looking for one person, but didnt seem to find them. She couldnt help herself but smile, when she saw the back of Luna, she was just sitting by the bar, drinking something, not having a care in the world. Layla walked to the bar, and sat herself next to Luna, not even looking at her, she ordered a drink. "What an entrance" said a voice beside her, "Dont act like you didnt love the show" Layla said, smirking as she took a sip of her drink, Layla looked rather shocked, and gave a nod to the bartender, telling him it was a great drink. Luna now said while looking at Layla "Good to see you again" Layla looked at Luna with a smile as she said "I missed you too, lov...." Layla couldnt finish her sentance, sense Luna put a hand on her mouth, and stopped her from saying the last word. "Carefull, with what you say, people are around" Luna said, when she let go Layla said "Your right" She really wanted to say sorry, but darkelves just cant say it. 

Layla and Luna talked for a while about everything that has happend. When it was getting late, Luna grabbed Layla by the arm, and walked to a room. She opend the door, and dragged Layla in the room, as she closed the door behind her. Layla was pushed against the wall, as Luna pinned her there, "I missed seeing your eyes" Layla said, Luna just smiled, as she gave her a kiss. 

Luna now took a look at Layla's outfit, making big eyes. Layla looked confused, as she pulled away, and started going though her own stuff. "Wh..." Layla was about to ask a question, but was interrupted by Luna throwing a shirt in her face, it was white. She looked at it confused, Luna saw her reaction "White suits you better" She said. Layla smiled a bit, but still with a question "Wont they ask questions about it, sense you know its white?" She asked, Luna giggeld a bit and answered "They wont even notice to much, they only care about how good you are at fighting" Layla smiled, and took of her armour and her shirt, then she put the white shirt on. Before she could take on the armour again, Luna pulled her by her collar, and kissed her again. Luna was now pushed against the wall by Layla, as she started to kiss her. After a bit, they looked each other in the eyes, "Do you think, i can beat someone in the fight?" Layla asked, Luna smiled and gave her another kiss of encouragement before answering "You are ready"

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