Meeting Luna

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She looked around being surrounded my darkness, she wasnt sure what to do at first, when she heard a familiar voice "You were reckless, sentimental at best, which is not a teaching of mine" The voice paused, then she heard it right beside her "You have grown soft, your dead friends can attest" "Hey!" She said as she turned to find Athena looking at her. Then Athena kept talking "Put your emotions aside" She looked down, "Your a warrior meant to lead the rest" She now looked up as Athena said "I dont know where i went wrong, but i warned ya, and you failed the test, so now im gone" Athena turned around, and started walking a little away from her, then continued "This way, you will know what your place is" "This way, you cant cross the line" "This way, you wont disapoint me" "This way, you cant waste my time" She paused as she turned to look at her, "Consider this as my goodbye"

Athena turned away again,  about to leave her in the darkness, when she spoke up "Thats just like you, why should i be surprised?" She paused, "Selfish, prideful and vain" Athena turned to her who continued "Unlike you, every time someone dies, im left to deal with the strain" "I will remind you, i saw you as a friend, but now we are done." She turned and started to walk a little away from Athena. "This way, ypour out of my head, this way, you wont plague my life, this way you're out of sight and out of mind" She paused looking at Athena over her shoulder "This way, you get what you wanted, you can save your time, This way you close the door and have your damn goodbye."

She looked away from Athena who now started to say "You're not looking for a mentor, and im not looking for a friend" Athena paused, then said "I mistook you for a general, what a waste of effort spent" Athena smirked thinking she had won, because she didnt respond. She now turned around slowly walking back to Athena "Atleast i know what im fighting for, while your fighting to be known" She paused, seeing Athena's face change "Since you claim you're so much wiser, why is your life spent all alone? Your're alone!" Athena looked down as she spoke "One day, you will hear what im saying, one day you might understand, but not today, cause after all you're" "Just a girl" The last thing echoed around the darkness. Athena looked up at Layla, walking closer to her. "This day you sever your own head, this day you cut the line" She gave a little pause before saying "This day, you lost it all, consider this my goodbye" When Athena finished, she walked past her, and disappeared into the darkness.

"Hey, hey" Layla was woken up by someone touching her, "Hey its alright, your safe" She looked up to find Luna, who looked worried at her, it wasnt real... thank god... but it felt real... Layla was interrupted by Luna calling her name "Layla?" Layla looked at her, "What happend?" She sounded as she knew something is up, but Layla was confused and asked "What?" Luna looked at her with a serious face "Come on, your mind is not excaping something, just tell me" Layla now was sure she knew, so she gave in "I had a dream...? Maybe a nightmare..? im not sure..." Layla pasued thinking about what it had been, "Get to the point" Luna said, "It was my mentor, she told me alot about that she is leaving, and i was a waste of time..." Layla looked down, thinking back. Luna grabed her by the chin and made her look at her "You are worth every second" She said, looking serious in her eyes, Layla looked deeply into her red eyes, and started to feel her checks warm up. 

Luna let her chin go, and she stood up. "Btw, you are at my darkelf base, you passed out while we were walking" Layla now remembered she was talking with Luna, and she felt dizzy and at some point everythign was dark. She now looked around seeing her new surroundings, the walls were made of wood, but dark wood, looking at the shape of the building, it looked like a big hunt, there were bearly windows, so close to no light. There was a little upstaris area, under it was a little room, and in the room was a window. She looked back at the bigger room she sat in, and noticed 2 doors, one smaller right in front of her, and a bigger one to her right, probably the main entrence.

Layla now stood up and walked towards the main entrence, and walked out. There was like a dark cloud over the hunt, it was placed on a hill, she could see a little town a little away, she could even see a few people walking around there, further away was a big grass field, and behind that was a forest, the forest took 3 sides of the field. She looked closly into the forest furtest away, she noticed people walking in there, but they wore green like clothes, and... long ears? "Forest elves" Luna said walking towards her, Layla looked at her, because she said it in a way which didnt make her seem happy about them, Luna noticed and added "Our worst enemy" Layla nodded, "And those guys?" She pointed to the town, Luna followed her finger and answered "Humans and dwarfs" Layla nodded again. "Come on, we will cause some chaos in honor of you joining us" Layla couldnt help but smile, she noticed the bandage on her face, and took it of, showing her scars. Luna looked at her first shocked, then she smirked. 

"Looks really cool, you look terrifying, which is a good thing for us" Luna said, handing her her weapons, Layla grabbed them, putting her qviver on her back, she put her sword on her side, and put her bow over one shoulder, and followed Luna and the rest of the darkelves down the hill, going straight for the town.

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