Its soon time

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Swords clashing together, she smirked at her oppoent, who nodded. She now pulled her sword back, and swung it at the oppoents chest, she stopped right before hitting. "You win" The oppoent said, they clapped her on the shoulder as a good job. "Your getting really good, and not just in the fighting style, in everything" They paused to see Laylas face light up, and continued "I might even say you are ready" Layla couldnt help herself but drop her weapon and hug the person, "Thank you, alot" The person giggeled and said "I hope you wont hug other dark elves later on" Layla realised and quickly let them go, and looked a bit down. The person noticed and now said "I have diffently learned the fighting skills of a darkelf, and not just a normal one, but one with higher rank" They waited to see if Layla looked happier, when she did they continued "You have also learned how dark elves act, what they do, and what they stand for... all this you have done in a few months" And she was right, Layla had been learning the last 3 months, and has actually gotton really good at the dark elf thing. 

The person left Layla alone for a bit, and walked over to some others, who just got back from a hunt. Layla thought back to the last few months, besides her endless traning, and learning, she also got letters from Luna, who was went to a far away town, and got new clothes, and changed her name to Tyra. Luna... well Tyra, found a baron, who was traveling, and offered him her protection. Mostly so she could go further out, without being to suspicious. She now was in a town called Niebelungen, and was actually quite happy about the place, sense no one knew who she really was. Layla sent letters back to Luna, where she had talked about how it went, and that she missed her, now exicted but nervous she was about becoming general.

The other darkelves walked up to her now, and one of them said "Layla, its time for you to choose your new clothes" The others nodded. Layla gave a little smile and nodded aswell, as they all then walked to the big hut. They walked in though the big doors, and Layla was sat down for a bit. Now some of them walked in the big room with a few boxes with clothes, she looked at them from a far, and found all of the clothes to be black, Layla wasnt surprised to much about that.

"Now you can make your fit, just how you want" One of them said, and a few of them left to let Layla do her thing. She stood up and walked over to the first box, she took the first thing out, a black tshirt, Layla thought for a bit, then put it to the side. Layla now walked to another box, empying it on the big table. She now threw the tshirt in the empty box, she called it her maybe box. She now again took something from the box, she found a boot, she looked at it, kinda hopeing she could find the other one. She put the boot to the side, and continued, she found a long sleeved shirt, did want that, she found some black cargo pants, those she threw in her maybe box. She looked for a while now, when she had looked at all the clothes, she took her maybe box. 

She found all the pants she had, well she could have choosen a dress or a skirt, but Layla didnt want that. She now found a shirt matching the pants. Layla now picked out the ones that didnt look good, and changed around in the shirts, until she found her match. She chose the cargo pants, and a tshirt, but not the first one she found. She took these on, and also took on the boots, sense she was lucky and had found the other one. Layla now looked at another box she had missed, it was a box with armour, mostly leather, sense that could be black, it was harder to paint metal. 

Layla picked out a full chest leather armour, and put it on, it looked good. She also found some leather gloves, and a black belt. Layla was happy with how she looked and decided to put her weapons on her belt and walked out of the hut. 

When she walked out, everyone turned to her, and stayed silent for a bit. After the awkward silance, everyone started talking all at once. Layla only got a few things, like "Perfect" "Looks great" "Everyone is gonna be jealous" and a few more. Layla gave a little smile and said "Th..." She stopped herself knowing darkelves dont like to say thank you. She just decided to nod with a little smile. 

"You are ready to leave, and show them all who is boss" Someone said, Layla giggeld a bit and answered "Well not gonna be me, im going for general not queen, so nearly boss" The others giggeld, and hit her shoulder as she passed them, it was a way to say good job, or good luck. Layla grabbed her bag, and now made her way towards her first destination, Luna.

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