Problem after problem

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They both walked in the base, where they were greeted with eyes on them, Layla looked to the queen, asking if she can talk, loudly to everyone, giving a message. Receiving a nod from her, Layla spoke up "The vice queen and i, were just at the good city!" Layla started "We found out something, we didnt quite like!" Layla was now sure she had gotten everyones attention and finished her message "We are not allowed in the good city!" She looked around seeing peoples faces getting either angry or confused to why they werent. Layla looked to the queen, who gave her a nod, as she was understanding.

"As i can see alot of you are not happy with this message" the queen started, looking at her people, making sure they were listening. "We are going to the city, and... talk, about this" The queen looked at Layla, who understood that talk, was give them a peace of their mind. Layla walked out of the base and walked front with the queen and vice queen. Layla thought for a bit, as the queen pointed something out "I think the adviser might betray us" Layla agreed "He is bearly seen at the base, or just with other darkelves" The vice queen said, "He always shows up when we are attackt, then he leaves a bit after" Layla ended. "So we all agree, he is betraying us" the queen sounded annoyed, Layla wanted to make her not feel stressed about everything, so decided to say "One problem after the other, first the city, then the adviser" The queen and vice queen nodded.

When they got to the city area, people were looking at them, and all started to go in the city, sense they knew, when darkelves show up in a big group, means a fight is coming. Layla walking front took out her sword and dagger, the darkelves in front noticed Layla's move and did the same, which became a wave of darkelves pulling out their weapons. When they got to the bridge the darkelves without mention, spreaded themselves to make them look bigger and better to fight, if it comes to that. 

The guards at the bridge looked rather confused, but also kinda scared as the darkelves were a big group. "Why are you here?" a guard asked, he sounded as if he wasnt scared, but deep down, who wouldnt be scared. "I have heard, that we are not allowed in the city" The queen said, with a high head, wanting to know what the reason for it was. The guard look at the queen "And?" Layla felt offended "We want to know the reason for this" Layla looked at the queen, to say a didnt mean to take your word, luckly the queen nodded, as it was alright.   

The guards looked at each other, when their commander spoke up "Because you will just try to take over it again" He looked at Layla, while he said this, Layla giving a slight smile, he was not wrong. She looked to the queen, who looked at her, giving her the sign of, you know what to do. Layla nodded, and she looked to the guard commander, and said while giving him a slight smile "Well then, we will get in by force." As she said that, the darkelves started to storm the guards. 

Layla was fighting people on the other side of the lake, she stood on one and the others on the other side. It was hard to kill people you could bearly reach with a sword, but it wasent Impossible. As Layla was fighting, she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned her head to find the vice queen beside her. "Im queen now, the other queen left the job to me" Layla nodded, being kind of confused, but she just went back to her fighting. 

After a while of fighting, Layla could hear people calling "Our base is being attacked!" Layla turned around, finding darkelves running as fast as they could, while being badly wounded, it looked like they had been shot!? 

Layla knew who was attacking their base, she looked for the new queen to hear her order, either keep fighting here, or go to the base. She found her answer as more darkelves came walk running form the bases direction, Layla didnt care what the queen had to say, she left the fight, and went towards the base. She found a few darkelves had followed her, she nodded to them, knowing they also knew there was something completly off about this.

The few darkelves could see the base, but no one there? They slowly walked closer, having their weapons pulled out and ready for a fight. Layla walked closer, still nothing, she gave a sign to the other darkelves to stay, and wait for a clear from her. She stood right outside of the base now, listening for any movement or sound, hearing nothing, she quickly rushed in, holding her sword out, and dagger close to her body for protection. She looked around seeing no one, she now noticed something was not right...

The other darkelevs were getting worried, they had not heard anything. They started to walk towards the base, when Layla stormed out. They looked rather shocked, but Layla ignored them with an angry face, and headed towards the good city again. The darkelves looked at each other, and decided to follow Layla back. "Whats going on?" One of them said, when they got beside Layla, another asked "Did you see someone?" Layla didnt stop her angry speed walk as she said, in an annoyed tone "Our chest is missing."

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