The fight for Captian

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The morning after, Layla woke up, walking outside, fining Athena waiting for her.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked, Layla yawned and nodded. "Good, better get ready, little warrior" Layla nodded turning back to the cave, when Athena spoke "5 minuttes, i got something for you"

Layla hurried back in the cave to get ready, she brused her hair, and tied her front hair back. Put on her normal clothes. And went back out to Athena.

Athena was looking away from the cave, enjoying the sunrise. Layla joined her by her side. After a while Athena spoke "You have trained so hard, and become very strong and confident, im very proud of you" she said smiling at Layla, who nodded to tell her to keep going. "I got you this" she handed something to Layla, who took it and looked closely, to find out it was beautiful armour. "It was mine ones, now its yours" Athena said. Layla looked up at Athena with a smile, and hugged her. Athena put her arms around her.

When they let go from each other, Athena placed her hands on her shoulders and said "You can beat them, they underrestimate you, show them you are strong" she paused, then continued "Remember the strongest is not always the smartest, be smarter then your stronger" Layla nodded understanding what she should do.

Now Athena turned from her "Good luck, warrior of the mind" she said, before turning into the owl, and flue away.

Layla stood looking at the sunrise, until, Evelyn, Jackie and the others came out of the cave, all smiling to Layla, who turned around to meet them. Before anyone said anything they all came together for a group hug.

They all let go, then Layla spoke "Im happy to have you all here right now, i wouldnt be here without you, and if i will be captian, i want you all with me" They all nodded, smiling at Layla's words. "We will always be here for you" Evelyn said. "But you should really be going" Jackie said laughing a bit. Layla nodded, and turned to leave, when she heard "Good luck" and "You can do this" from Jackie and Evelyn.

When Layla walked in the town, she was greeted by 2 guards, who showed her the way to the battlefield, and where she will be waiting for her turn. As she walked, people were cheering, and shouting, they loved her, she thought to herself.

Finally she got to the waiting area, where the other fights also were. Maya smiled at her, but William didnt look happy. She looked around, there was a big table in the middle of the room, where most people were sitting. There were 2 gates, on each side of the room, which probably were the gates to the field. The walls were stone, with some wood pillers. Around the wall were a few counters and a guy sitting in a cornor, reading a book. Layla dicsided to walk over to a cornor at the table, where she put her things down.

She then started warm herself up, making her more flexable. She looked back at were she came from, seeing a closed gate, guards on each side.

The first fight was starting, the guy in the cornor, and Maya. They both walked to their gate, and when it opend they walked out.

Layla, could hear cheering from the crowd. After a bit, Maya walked back from her gate, she was quite hurt, but she did win, sense guards came back with the other guys body. Wait, was this a fight to the death... Layla thought, but couldnt think a lot, sense it was her turn. She walked to a gate, not looking at the other one, she wanted it to be a surprise for herself.

The gate opend, and she walked out, into a hallway, after a bit og walking, she found another gate, where she was told to get ready. She put on the armour Athena gad given her. Then she was told to grab a weapon, it was her choice. She grabbed a sword and a dagger, and a knife, that she hid away.

Now the last gate opend, and Layla walked out. Hearing the crowd, and the guy she was now fighting, he was around 20, tall and proud he walked out. Layla walked confident, even tho she was younger and smaller, she had a chance.

The fight now started, and the guy was running towards her with speed, she stood for a while, then in the last second, she turned away, cutting the guys side. It was quite deep, but he kept going. He was now swinging his sword at her, she blocked it, and went for a hit in his chest, which worked. He fell to the ground, now the crowed cheered even more, she pulled her sword out of the mans chest, and raised it in the air, making the crowd cheer more. Layla then walked back to the gate, where she was told to leave her weapons. Then she walked back.

She got back to the room, seeing peoples shocked eyes when she walked out, not even hurt.

A few hours passed like this, Layla won and was bearly hurt, but she did get a few scars, nothing to serios. The first few rounds went like this.

Finally the finals rounds were starting now there was not many fighters were left, Layla counted 4, with her self. Maya, some guy, and William were left. Maya had to fight William, after a while, William came back, Maya had lost.

Layla was now walking to the Gates again, picking the same weapons as always, and walked out on the feild.

The fight went quite well for Layla, but the was hurt badly on her arm. But she still won. She did the same as she did before, raised her sword, crowd cheering, as she walked back.

Now she thought to herself, it was her against William, it was time to beat his ass. William looked at her as she came back, Layla didnt bother looking at him, just walked to bandage her arm. William himself had a hard fight with Maya, and was wounded.

Finally it was the last fight, the last kill, she couldnt lose now.

Layla walked out again having her sword and her dagger, while William had a sword and shield. The crowd was cheering, not being able to wait, to see the winner, and new captian.

The fight started, and Layla and William started to circle eachother, they both walked with rasied weapons, in a circle the the sand.

Finally William went for a hit, Layla blocked it with her dagger and went for Williams legs, sense the sheild was covering the rest. He got a little cut, now Layla went for his head as he wasnt looking. He noticed and put his sheild to his head, seeing this Layla got a plan. She started to keep going for his head, and his shield went higher and higher, finally Layla turned around to his back, and stabbed him with her dagger, he turned with the dagger in his back.

Now angry, hiting around fast and hard swings, hitting her sword away from her hands. She now had to weapon but a single knife, William didnt hasitate and started running at her, she now ran towards him, jumping on his shield, making a flip, while doing her flip she had taken her knife out and stabed it in his neck, she landet on her feet behind him, while he fell forwards in the sand.

The crowed now cheered and stood up from their chairs, she had won.

With that Layla fell to the ground, as she was badly wounded. The last thing she heard was people running on sand, towards her then everything went black...

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