What now?

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Layla slowly opend her eyes, she could feel the warm sun on her skin. The sky was blue with a few clouds, birds were singing, and she could see a deer close to a forest.

Layla now remembered, she looked to her sides to find Jackie and Evelyns dead bodies... She sat up, her head was hurting, her throat was dry and she was feeling hungry. She slowly stood up, looking around, she looked at the bodies of her soldiers, she saluted in respect, and turned around to walk away. Before going she found her bow, and sword, she also found her qviver with 5 arrows left.

She started walking the way back to the kingdom, realising she had failed her mission, and what Athena had told her. With that in mind she walked towards the forest where she had seen the deer. She walked in the forest, it was quite, seems like no humans came here alot. The wild life had taken over in here, as she walked the animals didnt really care that she was there.

As she had walked for a while, she started hearing a sound, it wasnt an animal, she walked closer, not sure what it was, she walked close, when she heard it, water! Layla almost ran towards the sound, the forest was quite full of plants and trees, so it was kinda hard to get though. But she was trained enough to navigate through in a fast speed, when she finally saw water, she ran faster and nearly fell straight into the cold water.

Layla looked shocked, as she saw her own reflection in the water as she sat down. She was really bloodly, and not just her face, her hole body. She now felt her dry throat and started drinking the water, when she noticed there were fish in the water, food! Layla happly grabbed her bow and took an arrow from her qviver, she laid the arrow on her bow and aimed for a fish. She waited till it stod still for a second, and shot the arrow, hitting the fish, the arrow went all the way through and hit the fish to the group, where the arrow sat itself. Layla smiled and grabed the arrow, aswell as the fish, which was stuck on the arrow. She laid the arrow between 2 rocks, so the fish wouldnt touch the ground. Layla now looked around, finding sticks, and started a fire. When the fire was getting bigger, she put pieces of wood in the fire. Layla now found 2 sticks with a Y form. When she did, she put them in the ground on each their side of the fire, and placed the arrow with the fish over the fire.

When the fish was done, Layla ate it. When she was done, she remembered her dirty face, but not just her face. Layla took her belt, with her sword and little bag off and laid it pn the ground, she then took her qviver and the same. She now took off her leather gloves and put them next to her other things. Her bow was already on the ground, so she now walked towards the water. She took a stick, and put it in the water, when she felt the ground, she took it out. She looked at the stick, where the water went to, to find out how deep it was, it was around 1 and a half meter deep. Layla put the stick on the ground, and made a head jump straight in the water. She swam a little while cleaning herself. The water was a little cold, but it was nice and quite clear. Layla took a last dive under the water, and got out of the water. As she stood out of the water she noticed she didnt have a towel, she then squeezed the water out of her clothes and hair. She put out the fire, and grabed her stuff, and walked away.

Layla walked out of the forest, and on the road, further away from the castle. She walked for a while, being in her own thoughts, when she could feel someone was close, there was a noice, then a guy came running from some bushes, nearly pushing Layla to the ground, but she moved out of the way, and grabed the guy by his arm, and pulled him back, while grabing his other arm, now holding his arms behind his back. Layla now asked "What the hell are you running so fast for?" The guy was to shocked to speak. Layla now noticed, this guy was just a distraktion, just as she turned her head over her shoulder, she saw a group of men standing there, looking at her and the guy. "Really? You ran from these guys?" Layla asked the guy. He nodded, and Layla let him go, she now slowly turned towards the men.

She looked at them, they were around their 30s, they looked like they had a done quite alot of road robberis, sense they looked like they had some muscles. Layla was sure they wanted to beat her up, then take her stuff, but they didnt know who they were messing with now. Layla knew there was a chance she was gonna get beat up, sense she was still weak, and the scars on her face hurt badly. The men slowly approached her, she stood calmly, one of the men now took out a dagger, and pointed at Layla, who was ready for an attack, the other men pulled out daggers, and started to speed up, getting closer. Layla looked at the speed of their walk, and noticed some were faster then others, she made a plan in her head, as a man slashed towards her legs, she moved away in time, coming to the side of the man, she hit him hard in the side, as he fell to the ground. The other men were shocked, but continued towards her, one got close and didnt even noticed when she jumped towards him, Layla used her wight to get him to the ground, she now stood on top of him, kicking another man in the chest. Layla was suddenly grabbed from behind and someone grabed her arms, and held her in place. She had been to fouced that she didnt notice one went behind her. Layla tryed to get out of the mans grip, but couldnt, again she was still weak. The other men started to walk towards her, "You have been alot of trouble to us" one of the men said. Layla looked rather calm, but she was shocked inside. She now saw one of the men pulling back his arm, ready to push her staright in her face, Layla closed her eyes accepting her fate. The man suddenly started yelling in pain, Layla opend her eyes, seeing the man as he fell to the ground, his hand was cut off... She felt the man behind her lose his grip, so she hit him in the knee, and stepped forward. She turned to find a girl behind the man who was behind her, she had brown long hair, more she couldnt see yet... Layla now noticed the woman wasnt alone, there was a hole group of... people?... No elves... Darkelves, she could tell by their dark clothes, and armour.

When they were done stabbing the men, the darkelves started to turn to Layla, who was just starting. Before anyone could say anything, a voice spoke up "Leave her to me" a girl voice said. The group immediately left Layla, and the girl walked up to her. She now saw her red looking eyes, her scar over her right eye, and dark clothes and armour, but she looked different from the others. "What is your race?" The girl asked, Layla looked at her knowing she knew something, normally Layla would lie, but she desided not to "Im half darkelf" she said. The girl nodded, then said "Well then, Im Luna, one of many darkelf queens"

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