What she really wants

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Layla leaded the group to the city, when they got there, Layla looked around for Bastian. When she found him, she just walked up to him. While Layla found out intresting things, the group started to form a circle and starteddoing duels, even with people not in the group. 

Layla looked steaming mad as she was told the blood was given to another guy, Bastian made a good desition to better leave before Layla murders him. Mad Layla started to look for this guy, sense she knew what guy now had the blood. 

As she couldnt find him, she turned to the group who was laughing and cheering their duel champion on, it was one of the group, he seemed to be some sort of orc, but Layla wasent sure. As he won another duel, the group cheered loud, Layla didnt join in as she was mad, "Who dares to take on the champion?" there was someone that asked, now a guy stepped up and said "I do" Layla didnt really care who the person was, but she did get intrested in the duel when she heard "Lets make it fun, you guys duel with knives" A guy said to the duelers, the orc looking guy took his knife, but the other guy didnt have a knife and started asking around for one. When someone handed him one, the crowd cheered and the duel began.

Layla watched the duel with intrest, it reminded it of the group of people she meet at the orphanage, she got sad at the thought of them, thinking about Jackie and Evelyn, what if i could have saved them, she thought. At the thought of them, she could see them in the crowd on the other side of the duelers, they looked at her, smilling, like they were proud, then they gave a nod. As a tear rolled down her face, the orc guy stepped in front them, then Layla snapped back to reality, as cheering began, it seemed like the orc won, as the crowed shouted "Orc Orc Orc!" As the crowd cheered, Layla made her away out of the crowd, and made her way out of the place, she only had one thing in mind, right then and there.

Layla walked past the darkelves, giving them a ferm nod, thanking them for their time, without saying it. She walked for a good while before getting to a new village, where she found a stand that sold weapons and armour. "How much can i get for this?" She asked the person behind the counter, pointing at her black leather armour. The person looked at the armour, and answered with a smile "10, cause it is used" Layla nodded and took off her armour and laid it on the counter, the person laid the 10 gold coins there. Layla took the gold with a smile, the person the armour. Layla now wearing her white shirt that she had under the armour, walked to a stable. 

There she found a guy "How much for a horse?" The guy looked at her "Depends on what horse" Layla looked at one of the horses and walked up to it "This one" she said confidently "10 gold for this beauty" She smirked, handed him the gold, and took the horse.

Layla now got on the horse and rid away from the village. She looked at a letter, smiling to herself, knowing she was getting close,  she has been riding for a good long while, not saying a word, with only one thought, one last goal.

Layla got to a forest and got the horse to slow down, to not hit her head on some branches. She started to see smoke, fire? no smoke from a chimney, a small cottage in the middle of the forest. As she got so close to the cottage as a few feet, she stopped the horse, and got down, found a tree and bound the horse there. Layla heard the cottage door open with a creak. a voice said "I see you made your way here" Without turning around she answered "I will always find you" Layla could feel the person smirking, and finally turned to see Luna in her breath taking red eyes. Layla had spend all these years looking for a home, not the orphanage, not the cave, or the castle, not with the darkelves, right here. But home for Layla was never a place it was always a person, first it was Jackie and Evelyn, then they died... home died... Home... changed to be... where ever Luna was. 

A home where Layla could be herself, and happy was a home she really wanted, and that home was Luna.

Layla was finally home.

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