Not an easy catch

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"The chest is missing" Layla said, as she walked up to the queen. The queen looked at her, and asked "Who took it?" Layla looked at her with an annoyed face, as she said "They attacked the base, killed darkelves and took the chest and left, oh and they have guns" The queen looked at her with sharp eyes "Who. took. it?" She signed "I believe they are humans, i have seen them before" 

"We are going to regroup at the base, then we find the adviser, and the chest" The queen said, as she looked around her. Layla nodded and started to give the news to the darkelves. As she started to walk back herself, she was stopped by the group of people, who wanted to talk, but Layla had to go, so she left. She was later gonna regret her decesion...

As she got to the base with the others, the old man took the word. "Everyone sit down, lets talk." Everyone sat down, in a circle, Layla of course joined in. "We dont trust the adviser, we are gonna question him, and kill him." He said it as he didnt care in the slightest. "we understand that he has been showing up only when we have been attacked" Layla said, to give the darkelves a reason to why, the queen joined in "And he then left a bit after the attacks again" The darkelves looked around at each other. They were all interrupted by a person walking in the base, everyone looked at the entrance, Layla sitting with her face to the entrance saw the adviser right away, she just looked at him, not a death stare, not a friendly smile, just looking.

The old man took the word before he started asking questions "Sit down" he simple said. The adviser looked around, then back at the old man "No, i will stand." he said as he knew, he maybe had to run for his life, Layla could feel it, she could see it on the look of his face, being very focused, the way he stood, his feet pointed towards the base entrance, his hand was placed in his weapon. 

Layla looked to the old man, he took a quick side nod towards the adviser, Layla understood the request and gave a quick nod. So Layla wasent the only one who understands the advisers body language. The old man signed looking at the adviser, then said, quite disappointed "You have betrayed us" The adviser looked rather confused "What? How?" The old man started to talk louder "If you are not betraying us, then give us the elf blood" The elf blood was an important item, which the darkelves had gotten their hands on, and the adviser hadnt put it in the chest, nor to the queen. 

He looked at the old man, now not confused but more a stare. "I cant" he paused, as Layla began taking her sword out, he continued, not realising she had pulled her sword out a bit. "If i do, you will have me killed, its the only thing that is keeping me alive." He looked around at the darkelves, then at Layla, who was still giving him death stares and up ad down looks. The queen now wanted to have something to say, so she did "If you wont give it to us, we will just take it." she looked rather serious about it, but the adviser didnt seem to care, and just gave a little laugh, so Layla added a bit, to make it a threat "From your dead body." The adviser stopped laughing and noticed Layla was standing close to him, with her sword raised, he now pushed himself though the darkelves, who didnt understand what was going on, and ran out of the base, Layla right behind him, behind Layla were a few other darkelves.

Layla ran as fast as she could, and was starting to get close to the adviser, who was running towards the good city. Some of the other darkelves, tried to cut the advisers path, but failed, either to running to slow, or him running in another direction. They were starting to get close to the city, where people were looking at them, mostly because, at first it was just 2 darkelves running, but then a few other darkelves show up, a bit after. As they get close to the city, some dumb orcs get in the way for Layla, they seemed to be using their stupid catapult, which made them back up a bit, funny enough, right between Layla and the adviser. 

Layla ran a bit slower around them, and just saw the adviser going over the bridge, and inside of the city, the guards looked at Layla, and she knew, she wasnt allowed to go in, so she turned around and walked back to the base, having to tell the queen, where he is.

When Layla got to the base, she was greeted by the queen coming right at her. "Where is he?" Layla held her head high as she admitted "He got away, he is in the good city." The queen looked at her, with quite nice eyes, and said "We will go talk with the guards there, and ask to speak with them about getting in the city."

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