The new captian

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Layla woke up, her head hurt, when she looked around he found herself in a tent, there were curtains around a bett, where she layed. Layla now tried to sit up, but she now realised that her arm was injured, sense it had bandages around it.

She laved herself slowly back down, thinking about what had happend, when someone walked in through the curtains. "I see your awake captian" as the man said that, she remembered, winning the fight for captian. She looked at the man now, blonde hair, blue eyes, and he was wearing white. "Does anything other then your arm hurt?" He asked, Layla answered "My head"

The man nodded, as he understood why her head hurt, Layla understood by his nod.

"I am Nicolas, i will be taking care of you" Layla nodded then asked him "Why does my head hurt?" Nicolas paused his work for a bit, then continued "Why do you think i know?" Layla looked at him "When i said my head hurts, you nodded, like you understood why" Nicolas smiled, and nodded "After you beat William, you blacked out because of blood loss" Layla nodded as she remembered, beating William, then feeling dizzy, and at some point everything was black. "When you blacked out, you fell to the ground, that would explain your head hurting" Nicolas said, while  rebandageing her arm.

Layla now heard voices, knowing who it was, "Im here to see my friend, i deserve to know if she is awake and well" the voice said. Then Evelyn walked in seeing Layla awake, hugged her. Jackie also came in and joined the hug.

After a while of talking, Evelyn and Jackie left Layla to rest, and after a few days, she was out on the run again, and was meeting the king and queen soon.

Layla was welcomed back with smiles. Her head still hurt, so the group was trying to be really quiet, and desided not to hold a party for Laylas new tittel.

Layla went to bed early, sense Nicolas told her to. But Layla did wake up in the night, she looked around to find everyone asleep, she got up and walked out to get some fresh air, hopeing to see Athena.

She walked out seeing the full moon shinning on her. And there she was, an owl came flying down towards her, then Athena landed in front of her. She smiled seeing Layla was alright, "Glad you are back up" she said, Layla smiled back at her, as she continued "You did so well on the battlefield, people loved you" Layla just smiled and said "Im meeting the king and queen soon, im..." Athena cut her off "Tomorrow, well more like today" Layla looked at her, kinda disapointed that she couldnt finish her sentence.

"What will happen, is it just talk or?" Layla asked, hopeing Athena knew more, "They will meet you, talk about details, and you get to meet the 600 men" Athena answered.

Layla smiled, and Athena pulled her in for a hug. She hugged her mentor back "Thank you for everything, you have helped me get here" Layla said, Athena pulled away, and held her hands on her shoulders "And i will help you get even further, if you want to ofcourse" Layla smiled at that answer.

After a bit Layla went back to bed, waking up in the morning. She looked around, seeing people were already up, when she heard "Good morning captian" Jackie said, smiling handing her breakfest. "Thank you" she said smiling back to him, while he walked away, to sit with the others at the fire.

As the group was talking, they were shocked to see a figure sitting down woth them. They all looked up to find Layla, smiling at all of them, and started to eat.

After an hour or so. Layla was standing in front of the castle, people were still cheering as they had seen her walk through the town, towards the castle. She walked in with 10 people walking behind her, and guards in front of her, and guards behind the group, leading them to the trone room, where the king and queen were waiting.

They stopped at a big door. "Your friends have to stay out here, while you go in" a guard said. Layla nodded, and looked at her group, smiling to them. Then turned to the door.

She could hear a voice on the other side, "Your highnesses, the warrior of the mind, the warrior who won the fight" Now the door opend, and Layla walked in, confidently she walked up the 2 trones, when she was close, she stopped and kneeled down, to show respeckt. "You can get up" a manly voice said, she stood back up, looking at the 2 people looking at her.

"So, warrior of the mind, what is your name really?" The manly voice turned out to be the kings. Layla answered "My name is Layla" Now the queen asked a question "How old are you?" Layla looked down a bit, not sure if she really knew. "Im sorry your highness, i dont know my age" she said looking back up. The queen looked at her side looking at the king, knowing what this ment. "Im an orphan, but i ran away from my orphanage with a group of 10" Layla continued to explain. The king now asked a question again "Do you know your race?" Layla knew if she said half darkelf, they wouldnt accept her, so you said "Im very sure im a human" As if she wasent fully sure, but was confident enough to think she was.

"Well other then you dont know your age, are unsure about your race and your an oprhan" the king pasued, looking at Layla, who was looking a bit down, "You are a great fighting, and hearing you led a group of 10 here, and you killed a big boar in order to same your friend, you have great leader potentiel" The king smiled at Laylas face was brighting up again, as he said those words.

The queen now took over "So Layla, you will be leading 600 m..." she was stopped by Laylas face wanting to say something, she stopped and nodded to tell Layla she could talk. "Is there a chance, i could lead 610 men, they are all well trained, and i wouldnt be here without them" The king and queen smiled hearing this. "Ofcourse you can, its great to know you dont want to leave your friends behind" The queen said smiling.

After a bit if talking, Layla followed the king and queen to met the 600 men, when they saw her, cheerd and gave a bow, as they had seen the fight. After having talked with the men, she was taking back to her friends. Where the king now said "We know you all live in a cave out of town, so maybe you all would like a room here in the castle so you can stay close to Layla here, sense she will be staying here" the group looked at Layla who nodded and said "You will be shareing a room right next to mine, and we will have a door to eachothers rooms" she smiled, as she saw smiles on the group, knowing they were gonna be close to Layla, and working with her.

That night, Layla couldnt sleep in her own bed, in a big room. This was something new, and the move had been easy, sense she just had to back 1 backpack. She slowing walked through the open door to the others room, seeing all the faces looking at her as she walked in, told her none of them could really sleep.

Layla smiled, and ran back to her room, grabbed her mattress and ran back to the other room. Laying it on the floor, the others saw this, and joined in. Now they all were laying on the floor together, as Layla cuddeled with Evelyn and Jackie, she fell asleep.

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