'Why me?'- Layla

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"Come on!" Luna shouted, Layla held the sword close to a scared forest elfs thoat, Layla was shaking, not sure she wanted to... Luna stood beside her, shouting words at her, trying to get her to do it. Layla dropped the sword, as it fell, her surroundings turned black. Layla looked around the blackness, finding nothing, put suddenly she heard a familiar voice "I miss took you for a general" Layla turned around finding Athena standing behind her, with a dissapointed face. Layla shouted "No!" As she did, her surroundings changed again, she now found herself in a very familiar dinning room, "Who will safe you now" She now turned to her side finding Nicole standing with a knife to her neck. Layla in a quick move kicked the knife out of her hand, now trying to puch Nicole. As she tried, she dissapeared, like dust.

She now stood in a room she has never seen before... she found a woman and a man standing in front of eachother. The man now said with an angry voice "We cant show ourselfs with her being our child, let alone us being together!" Layla now noticed the child in the womans arms, which the man was pointing to, she had brown eyes, Layla found herself in the little girls eyes, being shouked, she looked at the 2 adults, realising those were her parents. She looked closly at the woman, finding her eyes, they looked like her own. She looked to the man, he was dressed in all black, like Luna and the dark elves, the armour was quite close. She noticed he had longer ears then the woman. Her dad, he was the darkelf side of her... she now noticed the little pointy ears on the child, and touched her own, finding the same. 

"She cant be seen in the darkelves, ever, it will ruin my reparation as army commander." The man continued, the woman looked sad at him, then at the her child "We cant just leave her..." The mans face grew red with anger as he said "I dont care about what you do with her! As long as she dosent show up in the darkelf kingdom!" The man turned around and finished "Neither do you" He now walked out of the room slamming the door behind him. The womans eyes filled with tears, Layla wanted to walk over to her and comfort her, but as she took a step towards her, her surrounds changed again. She now found herself by a familiar doorstep, she looked around finding the woman standing in front of the door, she was quite wet, as it was raining like crazy. The woman was still crying, gave her child a kiss on her forehead, and layed her down on the stone. She put down a piece of papir on the child, and turned around, and walked back into the pouring rain. Layla stood still looking at her mother leaving her.

Layla finally woke up and sat herself up, noticing it was all a dream, nearly a nightmare, but was it true? Layla shaked her head and got up, she looked around seeing darkelves sleeping around the main room. She walked out of the main door, finding the moon shinning at her, she sat down in the grass, and got her thoughts together. She sat for a while, when she heard the main door open, a girl walked out seeing Layla, she looked like she knew what she was thinking about and sat herself next to her. "Nightmare huh?" She asked, Layla just nodded. The girl nodded, just sitting the silence with Layla. 

After a bit Layla broke the silence "Why did Luna choose to help me out?" The girl smiled then looked at Layla, "Well im not sure" she turned her face from Layla again, and continued "But, Luna dosent help anyone without a reason, same as she dosent hurt anyone without a reason" Layla was still confussed, so the girl continued "Luna has helped all of us, in some way, example, she helped me getting out of a toxic family, and gave me a new one." The girl looked sad thinking about the past, but seemed to smile about the present. "But why did she help? You know, she is quite... evil..." The girl laughed, "Yeah that is true, but again, she always has a reason" 

Layla thought for a bit, then asked "Do you know?" The girl smirked, knowing what she meant "She is seeing great potenital in you, she can see a great leader, and a great friend" Layla smiled hearing this, but then it fadeed sence she had heard those words before... The girl seemed to noticed "Something wrong?" Layla looked down, answering "I just, heard those words before, and it didnt end well" The girl nodded and placed a hand on her shoulder "Luna is different" With that the girl got up and walked back inside the big hunt. 

Layla sat with her thoughts for a bit, when she noticed something moving in the distance. She slowly got up and grabed her dagger, she wished she had her sword, but the dagger would have to do. She slowly got closer to the shadow moving around. Suddenly Layla heard a stick break behind her, she turned around, finding nothing...

She now felt someone staring at her, she did a backflip over the person and held the dagger to their throat. She was about to say something, when she was kicked on the leg and broke down, the person got on top of her, holding her down. Layla was now lifted up by her shirt, as took the opportunity to kick at the persons chest. They let Layla go, and both fell to the ground. The person was starting to get up, when Layla jumped on them and held them down. 

When a voice said "Layla!?" Shit, thought Layla, realising who it was. "What are you doing out here Luna?!" Luna looked at her, asking the same question with her eyes, "You first" Layla said. Luna signed "I was enjoying the full moon" Layla was quite surprised but finally said "I had problems sleeping.." Luna raised an eyebrow "Nightmare?" Layla nodded saying "Something like that"

It was now both noticed they were so close to eachother, Layla blushed, quickly got up, and held a hand to Luna, who seemed to look a little red, was she blushing? Luna took her hand, and let Layla help her get up from the ground. 

"Great fighting skills" Luna said, patting her shoulder. She now just walked into the darkness, going back to the hunt, Layla stood for a second before following Luna back.

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